she leaves for tour

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This was never how you envisioned this day; watching your girlfriend pack her things as you obsessively checked the time on your phone with a sinking feeling every time you saw that it was only getting later and later and her ride to the airport would be here soon.

You always thought you'd be going with her. But your job got in the way, and it was evident soon enough that tagging along with her and the girls wasn't an option.

You heard her zip up her suitcase and so you let out a shaky breath, realizing it was the last thing she had to do before she could go. "You got everything?" She turned around, nodding with a sad smile. You could see the sadness in her eyes and you knew she could see the same in yours.

Wordlessly, you went over to her and hugged her tight. She sighed heavily, tightening her grip around you as if she was afraid to let you go. "I'm gonna miss you so much." She murmured and kissed the top of your head.

When you looked up at her, her lips were so close to yours. You closed the gap, stealing as many kisses as you could. You knew you wouldn't get to do this for a couple of months, so you wanted to soak it in as much as possible.

You pulled away, toying with the fabric of the hoodie she had on. You realized as you buried your face against it, mostly to hide your tears from her, that it smelled like her. Lisa pulled back and took it off, revealing the t-shirt she had on underneath it.

She pulled it over your head and then smiled over how cute you looked. "You look adorable." She said with a tiny smile, hooking her fingers under your chin to bring you in for another kiss.

But the dreadful sound of a car horn interrupted you both.

You both lowered your heads and let out sad sighs. Lisa's forehead brushed against yours and you tilted your chin up, eyes locking with her sad brown ones. "I'll be back before you know it." She whispered as she gazed into your eyes.

"I love you. You're gonna have so much fun. I know you're gonna do great." You told her.

"I love you." She said and kissed you once more before grabbing her bag and going downstairs, hand still wrapped within yours because she refused to let go until she had no other choice.

And sadly, that moment came much sooner than you both wished it would. She put her on the door, but before she stepped outside she turned back around and stole one last kiss; a long, passionate one.

She kissed you on your cheek and squeezed your hand. "See you soon. I'll call you every night. I love you!" She said as she got into the car and waved goodbye to you as it drove away, taking the love of your life away from you for the next couple of months.

You just hoped the time would go by fast because she's only been gone for a couple of minutes and you already want her to come back.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now