you have an asthma attack

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"It sure is nice to have the sun back after the constant rain," Lisa said as she tilted her head up to admire the clear blue sky. The sun was shining down, not a cloud in the sky, which was nice after four straight days of rain and storms.

It was basically perfect, aside from the high humidity in the air. But after being inside after a few days, you didn't think much of it, especially since you carry your inhaler around with you everywhere.

You didn't think anything could go wrong.

As Lisa held your hand and the birds sang around you and the sun hit your skin, you didn't think anything could bring you down or ruin the fun you were having!

But you could feel that tightness in your chest. You tried to brush it off and breathe like normal, but the more you tried the worse it became.

"Wait, stop." You said, rather breathlessly, to Lisa. Your lungs were beginning to burn and there was a loud wheeze coming from them every time you inhaled.

You fell onto your knees on the ground and tried to shrug the backpack off of your shoulders, but it wasn't an easy task with your hands shaking from fear as the reality of the situation hit you.

"It's alright, baby girl. Let me get for you!I'll help you."

Her words fell from her lips in a shaky breath. She bent down in front of you and helped you get your backpack off your shoulders. She quickly unzipped it and started to dig through it. "It's in here, right?" She asked, eyes wide as she searched for it, but she kept coming up empty-handed.

Your wheezing was becoming worse so in a panic she tipped the bag upside down and watched all the contents scatter across the ground, and it was only then that she found it.

"Here it is, baby. Here! Take it quick!"

She took the cap off and placed it between your lips. "Slow breaths, baby. Nice and easy." She instructed and gave you one puff, watching as you breathed it deep into your lungs. With worried eyes, she waited for you to nod your head before she gave you another.

She placed the cap back on and put it on her lap before she let her hand move across your back soothingly. She moved her hand up and down your back and across your shoulder blades comfortingly. She knows you need her comforting touch more than ever right now.

"How do you feel? Any better?"

When you looked back up at her, you could still see the look of worry in her eyes. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a few deep breaths. Finally, you could breathe again. The air was finally filling your lungs like it should.

"I think I'm alright now."

She nodded slowly before moving her hand to lay over yours. "Just take a minute to catch your breath if you need to, y/n. It's okay."

You did as she said; taking another moment to catch your breath before your shoulders dropped and all the worry and tension left your body. "Can we go home? Please? I know you were enjoying the warm weather and all, but I just wanna go home."

Your hands were still trembling slightly as Lisa took them into hers. "Of course we can. You know your health is most important. If you feel up to it later on, we'll come back out. For now, let's just go home and relax. You and me." She kissed your forehead softly then helped you gather your things into your backpack once more.

She then stood up and with a beautiful smile and a loving gaze in her eyes, she held her hand out for you. You took it happily and let her lead you back to the car.

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