you fight but can't sleep without each other

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You tossed and turned as the fight you and Lisa had just a few hours ago replayed in your mind.

You couldn't seem to fall asleep. Between the echoes of the words you spewed at each other and the shiver going down your spine from not being wrapped in Lisa's arms, you couldn't sleep no matter how much you tried.

You thought about going down the hall to one of the spare rooms where Lisa was sleeping but you worried that she'd want more space and you'd make things worse. So you stayed in bed, tossing and turning for a while.

About three in the morning was when you felt like you could finally fall asleep. you laid your head down and closed your eyes, but the sound of the door opening caused you to open them again. You felt the mattress dip as Lisa crawled into bed next to you.

She wondered if you were asleep or awake in that moment. She didn't wanna wake you so she figured she'd just lie there on her back and you'd resolve things come morning.

But then, you rolled into her arms, and without even hesitating you put your head right on your chest. Right away, you felt more content. You could feel her warmth and hear the sound of her heartbeat and it hit you in that moment just how much you needed her and how much you loved her.

You swallowed your pride because for her being right or being petty wasn't worth losing precious time with her.

You exhaled deeply then spoke softly. "I'm sorry."

You felt her arm finally wrap around you and you knew that all was forgiven before she even said a word.

"I'm sorry too. I hate it when we fight."

You nodded against her chest. "So do I."

She kissed your temple and started to brush her fingers through your hair. "I didn't wake you did I?" She asked. "No. I've been struggling to fall asleep. It's hard to sleep without you here by my side. the bed feels empty, I get cold, and I miss the way you hold me."

Lisa cracked a small, sleepy smile. "Same here, baby. Everything is just fine now, though. I'm here with you and I promise that I won't let you go." You cuddled closer to her and tangled your legs with hers. A breath of contentment left your lips as her hand moved along your back in circles.

"I love you." You mumbled, finally falling asleep now that she was holding you again.

"I love you too."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now