you come home to find her asleep

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You leaned back against the front door and took a deep breath. It's been a long day and you're happy to be home. In fact, just thinking about finally being home with Lisa now caused the weight of the world on your shoulders to lift.

Since it's so early in the evening you figured she'd be somewhere downstairs. But you quickly noticed how quiet it was and when you opened your eyes and took a good look around, you realized she wasn't anywhere to be found.

It's her day off and you knew she had no plans but to laze around for the day and wait for you to come home. So you quickly took your shoes off and left them by the door before rushing up the stairs.

Before you even reached the bedroom you heard the tv playing. Of course, with how busy she's been, she hasn't had much time to see all those films she's been wanting to see. So you thought she was probably curled up in bed, watching something cozy.

You excitedly rushed down the hallway, heart beating much faster over the thought of spending the rest of the evening curled up with her.

But when you finally reached the bedroom, you realized that was probably not on the agenda. Because Lisa was curled up in bed, sound asleep.

You didn't feel all that disappointed. It was hard to when she looked so cute. With her lips parted and soft breaths falling from them. With her cheek on the pillow and her hair a little messy from rolling around. She was wearing one of your shirts and the realization caused your chest to fill with butterflies.

You walked to her and leaned down to give her a soft kiss on her forehead. She stirred in her sleep and you watched a tiny smile tug at her lips.

Even in her sleep, your kisses still bring a smile to her face, and the thought warmed your heart.

She wasn't covered up and you worried about her getting cold. So you grabbed the blanket at the foot of the bed and covered her up with it, draping it all the way up to her shoulders so she'd stay cozy and warm.

You decided to change out of your clothes and into some sweats before you carefully joined her in bed. You planned to just watch tv in bed until she woke up, maybe even hop into the shower later or go downstairs if you find yourself feeling restless or bored.

But you realized that wasn't gonna be much of an option when she rolled over in her sleep and laid her head on your shoulder. A soft sound left her lips, which quickly tugged into a smile when you rubbed her back.

"Love you, Lili." You whispered softly and stared ahead at the tv, only to jump a little when she repeated the words back to you.

You shifted your gaze from the screen and down to her, where your eyes locked with her sleepy ones. "I thought you were asleep."

"I was." She whispered. "I just woke up."

"You should go back to sleep." You said as you brushed your fingers through her short hair. "I know you've been so busy lately and you've gotta be exhausted."

"I am. But I wanna spend time with you." She mumbled sleepily and it melted your heart a little to see her trying her hardest to stay awake for you, fighting back the sleep and doing her best to keep her heavy eyes open.

"You've got tomorrow off too and so do I. So don't worry your pretty little mind. We'll have lots of time to spend together. For now, you just close your eyes and go back to sleep. I'll hold you the entire time."

She couldn't argue. Her eyes were much too heavy and she knew she stood no chance in fighting off how sleepy she was.

So she just closed her eyes and began to drift off to sleep. She felt content in your arms, warm and secure as you brought a happy feeling to her heart by keeping her close and running your hand along her back ever so softly.

"Love you." She whispered quietly.

"I love you more. Have sweet dreams."

She was out like a light as soon as the words left your lips. You watched her back rise and fall steadily as she slept contentedly with her head on your shoulder.

You laid a kiss on her head before you stared down at her and admired how sweet she looked as she sleeps before you turned your attention to the tv screen once more, feeling happier than you have all day with her right in your arms, where she belonged.

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