you have a headache

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Lisa knew something wasn't right as soon as she got home.

The whole house was dark. The shades were closed, the blackout curtains pulled completely shut to allow absolutely no light to come through. It was so quiet, which was also very unusual considering its only early evening.

Lisa thought at first that you weren't home but then she remembered your car was parked in the driveway. She couldn't hear the sound of the tv or music coming from anywhere in the house. So she started to tiptoe upstairs, where she almost tripped over her own two feet because it was so dark.

She opened the bedroom door and saw you laying in bed with your face buried in the pillows. You jumped when she laid her hand on your back. "I'm sorry." She murmured as she carefully got into bed next to you. "Are you okay?"

"No. My head really hurts." You whispered, finding every noise to be a nuisance and only cause your head to pound harder and harder. "Do you need anything?"

"Maybe some water. I haven't left the bed because I get a little dizzy when I move." She nodded and got up to grab you some water. She helped you turn over and take a few sips of it before you laid back down.

You didn't bury your face back in the pillows this time. It was dark enough, so you just let your head fall to your girlfriend's chest instead. "Anything else you need?" You shook your head and just buried your face into her shirt.

"Okay. Try to get some sleep, honey. Maybe it'll make you feel a little better." Lisa whispered softly as she peppered your forehead with kisses and started to run her fingers along your warm back.

Her touch helped to calm you down a little, enough to relax you and let your eyes close. She started to hum, but softly so she wouldn't make your headache any worse. "I love you. I hope you'll feel better soon." 

You soon fell asleep but Lisa didn't stop rubbing your back. She just held you close, continuing to comfort you even as you slept peacefully in her warm embrace.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now