hickey prank (requested)

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Your pulse began to race when you heard the car pull into the driveway, followed by the slamming of the door. You peeked out the window and your heart skipped when you saw Lisa excitedly rushing to your front door.

Usually, you'd run right there and throw your arms around her. After all, she's been gone for the past almost two months and you've missed her like crazy.

But your friends had dared you to pull a little prank on her and now seemed like the best time since she was finally coming home after being away for so long.

You heard the front door swing open and an excited squeal fall from your girlfriend's lips when she saw you. You turned to face her and saw her shrugging off her jacket and kicking off her shoes.

"Baby, I missed you!" She squealed happily and ran to you. She hugged you tightly, humming as she laid her cheek on your shoulder and breathed in your familiar smell. "It's been too long since I've been able to hug you." She started to say, slowly lifting her head and opening her eyes. Her gaze fell on the soft skin of your neck. She was ready to lean in and leave a few kisses on your delicate skin, but something caught her eye and made her heart sink.


You hummed, trying to ignore the anxious feeling building in your chest.

"What is that?"

You parted your lips but stopped when you saw the shocked expression on her face. Her eyes were hard to read at first; a look of shock followed by anger and then... sadness.

"Is that a hickey?!"

"I-I don't know what you're talking about,"

"Like hell you don't." She spoke as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Don't lie to me, y/n. Just tell me the truth. I know what a hickey looks like and that is a hickey on your neck!"

You bit your lip, suddenly feeling regretful about listening to your friends and pulling this stupid prank.

You were about to confess. Parting your lips, you had the words right on the tip of your tongue.

But she interrupted you.

"Y/n, if you don't stand here and tell me the truth right this very moment, I am walking out that door and I'm never coming back. I don't want to hear excuses. You tell me the truth or I'm done. I mean it."

Your heart was hammering in your chest, a wave of anxiety washing over you. She was dead serious. The look in her eyes told you so.

"Shoot," you kicked yourself, tugging at your hair. "Last time I listen to my friends."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion and got ready to speak, but she was taken aback by the running of water in the sink and you splashing it on your skin.

You turned around and she was instantly staring at your neck and her expression softened when she saw the hickey was gone.


"It was a prank." You confessed quickly. "A stupid one, at that."

She nodded then chuckled and started to walk to you.


"You scared the crap out of me." She caressed your cheek softly before laying a kiss against your skin.

"I hope you know I'd never do that to you. I love you too much to ever do anything like that to you for real."

She shushed you softly and leaned in to kiss your lips.

"It's alright, baby. I trust you."

"So... it's forgotten then?"

"Oh, I wouldn't say that... baby girl."

Your breath hitched at the pet name and the feeling of her hot breath on your neck.

"No more fake hickey's ever again, y/n..." she whispered and started to kiss your neck. You put your head back as soft sighs began to fall from your lips and your eyes closed. "Those marks are only ever gonna be real,"

You just nodded hurriedly and let yourself melt into her fiery kisses, hoping they'd never stop falling to your skin.

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