you think she forgot your birthday

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"Lisa?" You called out, voice a little shaky as you looked around the empty room. Your heart was already sinking in your chest at the thought of Lisa not being home for your birthday. You pushed the blankets away and went to look around for her when you heard her voice coming from downstairs.

Running out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen, your mood switched completely when you saw her. She had the phone pressed to her ear and her back facing you but when you cleared your throat she turned to face you with a smile.

She hurriedly ended the call and let out a long sigh when she put her phone on the table.

"That was Jennie. I'm needed at the studio today."

And just like that, the happiness you felt was fading as a frown appeared on your face once more. "Y-You can't get out of it? Not even for today?"

Lisa raised her eyebrow, clearly confused. "I thought we were just gonna chill today anyways. It's not like we had anything going on." She said as she gathered her things. "But don't worry. I won't blow our day off completely. I'm only gonna be a few hours then I'll come home and we can watch all the movies you want."

She grinned and kissed the tip of her nose before making her way to the door.

"Wait, Lisa!"

She turned around quickly.

"You're being serious? You don't even remember what today is?"

She shook her head. "Should I?"

Tears were stinging your eyes but you didn't dare let them fall. You shook your head and put on your best fake smile. "No." You said simply and watched the door open.

"Be back soon. Lock the door behind me!"

You lowered your head and waited for it to close. You went over and turned the lock before leaning back against it and letting all of your sadness out.

You tried to pass the hours as best as you could. Between talking to your friends and family as they sent you a bunch of birthday wishes to watching reruns of your favorite show. You tried not to let the events of this morning bum you out on your special day.

But you couldn't help but think that maybe your day wasn't so special to Lisa. She always tells you that it is; that it's one of the most special and most important days to her. But how true can that be if she forgets it?

You thought about making yourself something to eat when there was a sudden knock at the front door. You turned the tv off and went to answer it.

Standing at the door when you turned the lock was Rosé. She quickly wrapped her arms around you and hugged you tightly. "Happy birthday, Y/N!" She cheered and, for the first time all day, you smiled brightly.

"Thanks. What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the studio with Lisa and Jennie?"

She shook her head quickly. "No. But, hey, you should go get dressed. There's something I have to show you."

"I really don't feel like going anywhere. Lisa forgot my birthday and honestly, I just wanna binge-watch some shows and eat some takeout." You pouted, but she wasn't having any of it.

"I'm not taking no as an answer. Go change. I'm giving you ten minutes to get dressed and do whatever else you need to."


"Or I'll have to drag you out the door by your ear." She laughed jokingly. "Go get ready. Trust me, you're gonna love what I have to show you!"

You caved in and let her step inside while you went to change. It took you a few minutes to pull yourself together, more so emotionally than anything else. It made you sad that she remembered your birthday when Lisa hadn't. But, you were grateful nonetheless and got changed as quickly as possible.


"As ready as I can be." You mumbled and walked out the front door. Rosé made sure it was locked when she pulled it shut before putting her hand on your back and flashing you a reassuring smile.

"Trust me, Y/N. You're really gonna love this."

You got into the car and the driver quickly backed out of the driveway and headed down the road.

"So... what exactly are we doing?" You asked Rose curiously.

"Can't tell you."

You crossed your arms, to which she giggled.

"You'll be happy when we get there, though."

You dropped the conversation. Honestly, you were just happy to get out of the house for a bit. Anything was better than wallowing in your sadness and being stuck in the empty house; a painful reminder that Lisa wasn't there with you today.

The car came to a stop about fifteen minutes later. You noticed that you'd arrived at what seemed to be an empty hall of some sort.

"Rosé," You started to say, ready to tell her that you just wanted to go home.

"Y/N, you might be dating Lisa but you're really important to me, just as you are to Jennie and Jisoo. We'd never let you down. Trust me, you're gonna love what's inside."

You nodded and unbuckled your seatbelt. You both got out of the car and headed inside the building. The lights were off so you quickly flipped the switch and when the room lit up there was a loud, "Surprise!"

You looked around in disbelief, and your eyes quickly met Lisa's.

She made her way over to you and pulled you into her arms wordlessly.

"Happy birthday, beautiful!" She smiled and laid a soft kiss to your shoulder.

"Wait... what? You didn't forget?"

"Forget your birthday?" She scoffed. "Baby, you're the most important thing in the world to me. I would never forget your special day. I just had to act as I did so I could get here to set everything up without ruining the surprise!" She explained.

"Then why didn't you come to get me instead of Rosé?"

"Because I would've spoiled the surprise, silly! I shed a few tears as soon as I walked out the door upon seeing you so sad, thinking I forgot. I knew if I saw that sad pout or tears in your eyes, I'd blurt it all out. I worked hard to set this up for you,"

The sound of Jennie and Jisoo clearing their throats interrupted her.

"Okay, we worked hard on setting this up for you,"

Everyone chuckled, including you.

"I love you so much. I'm sorry I made you think I forgot but I promise you I would never."

You threw your arms around her and buried your face in her neck. You closed your eyes and breathed in the comforting smell of her perfume before pulling away.

"I love you too. All is forgiven... as long as you got me a cake."

She threw her head back laughing before nodding her head and giving you a loving kiss. "You bet I did. C'mon, beautiful. This is your special day."

She hugged you from behind as you walked over to the table where the cake was set up. As Jennie lit the candles and everyone started to sing you happy birthday, you leaned back against Lisa and closed your eyes, basking in the brush of her lips along your forehead and her soft voice in your ear.

"Happy birthday, my love. This year is gonna be absolutely wonderful for you. I just know it. You deserve it." She smiled and kissed the shell of your ear and then behind it, making sure you felt just how much she truly loves and adores you.

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