she comes home from tour sick

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You stood on your tiptoes and looked all around the airport. You're feeling a little impatient but also very eager. You've been waiting for this day to come. You've counted down the days, though they felt like they dragged by.

Even though you were worried you wouldn't the day she left, you made it through the long months without Lisa by facetime and phone calls; anything to see her face and hear her voice. Though you're always proud and her biggest supporter, you're excited that she's finally coming home.

You heard a few cheers come from the other side of the airport. You quickly turned your head and saw Jisoo making her way through the airport. Jennie followed and Rosé wasn't far behind, although she was straying a little so she could hold onto Lisa.

Your heart sank when you saw her. She looked like she didn't feel well. She looks a little pale and she seemed to be holding onto her stomach, although she tried to hide that and hold onto Rosé instead so she wouldn't worry any of the fans and paps who lined up to see them.

Jisoo made her way to where you stood and excitedly hugged you.

"Oh, Lisa is gonna be so happy! You're all she's really talked about on the way home... and over the last few months." She giggled and you chuckled a bit, but the worried thoughts crept back into your head as you watched how Lisa took her time to get to you.

"Is she okay? She doesn't look like she's feeling great."

Jisoo let out a sad sigh and nodded her head. "I thought maybe she just wasn't feeling well from the flight or maybe even from the lack of sleep finally starting to catch up with her. But Jennie managed to sneakily feel her forehead when she fell asleep and that was about twenty minutes ago, and she said she was a little warm. It wouldn't surprise me if she was coming down with something. With all the traveling we do."

You nodded and quickly turned your head when you heard Lisa sigh. She sent you a small smile. She was trying to hide how ill she felt. She does that a lot when she doesn't want to worry you. But you always see through it.

"Oh, honey." You whispered sadly and placed your hand on her forehead. Just like Jennie told Jisoo, she was definitely feverish. "We should get you home."

Rosé let go of her as Lisa put her arms around you and leaned on you. You happily held onto her. Not just because you worried she might fall over if you didn't, but also because you've missed her and any opportunity to hold onto her you'll snatch in a heartbeat.

"Let us know how she feels over the next few days. We worry about her." Jennie said as she rubbed her hand along Lisa's shoulder.

"Will do. C'mon, let's go, darling." You held onto her as you exited the airport. You ignored the flashes of the cameras and focused on getting her to the car. Thankfully, it was pretty easy. You're sure it's easy for everyone to see just how unwell she feels.

You helped her into the passenger seat before climbing into the driver's side.

"You're not gonna be sick in the car, are you?" You asked both jokingly, but also worriedly.

"I'll be alright. I just wanna sleep."

You nodded and caressed her cheeks softly. "I'm sorry you don't feel well."

"I'm sorry. I know you've been anxiously awaiting this day and I have too and the last thing I wanted was to get sick and ruin this day. I had so many ideas of how we could spend it." She spoke sadly.

"Well, we'll save all those things for when you're feeling better. Right now, the only thing that matters is getting you home and under the covers, so you can get some rest."

She nodded slowly and leaned the seat back a little. She closed her eyes as you started to drive. The hum of the engine helped her drift off to sleep, even though she knew she wouldn't have much time to rest since you don't live too far from the airport.

You pulled into the driveway and felt sad as you glanced over at Lisa to find her asleep. You didn't want to wake her. Between her lack of sleep from the last few busy months she's had with the girls and the sleep her body craves from being sick, you didn't want to wake her unless you had to.

So you dragged the process out for a moment. You unlocked the front door first and put her things inside before you had no other choice.

"Lisa," You whispered softly as you brushed your hand along her arm to wake her. "We're home. Let's get you to bed."

She nodded and managed to stand on her own two feet, although she did have to lean on you. You locked the front door and helped her up to bed.

"Okay. Are you cozy enough?"

Dressed in one of her favorite pairs of sweats and a cozy sweater, she seemed pretty comfortable. She nodded and fell back onto the bed. You helped her under the covers and went into the bathroom to grab the thermometer and a cloth that was damp with cool water for her forehead.

"Let's see how warm you are."

You put it under her mouth and brushed your hand along her forehead. She sighed contentedly and you even smiled a little, happy to see her finding at least a little comfort during this time when she felt so terrible.

"Only a little over a hundred. Not too bad." You mumbled and she opened her heavy eyes. You put the cool cloth over her forehead and watched her lips tug up.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For always taking such great care of me. I really don't know what I'd ever do without you." She whispered and looked into your eyes. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too. But if there is one upside to you being sick it's that you get to lay in bed all day and I can lay with you to make you feel better." You said as you pushed her bangs back.

"I love the sound of that. Four months without cuddling with you and holding you was pure torture. I deserve a few straight days of it."

You laughed and nodded in agreement.

"Before I get in bed with you, do you need anything? Maybe some water? Or maybe a bucket?"

She shook her head. "I'm alright right now. Even though my stomach is sore and I didn't feel so great when we first landed, I don't feel as nauseous now and I don't think I'll be sick."

You felt relieved to hear that.

You climbed in beside her and let her curl up in your arms. You rubbed her back as she started to drift off to sleep.

"I"m happy you're home. I love you lots."

"Me too, Y/N. I love you more." She mumbled before falling asleep; back in your arms again.

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