someone breaks into your house (requested)

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"Have a good night, baby," Lisa said, her eyes starry as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and gave you a kiss goodnight. Your hand stayed locked with hers until she was too far away and had no choice but to let go, pouting as she dropped it before blowing you a kiss.

You closed the front door behind you and leaned against it with a bright smile. You're sure you've never felt so happy in your life. It's not a new feeling, you've been dating for the last four months now. But it's been a long week since you got to spend a date night together with her busy schedule and all. But it was worth the wait.

Your phone chimed as you made your way up the stairs. Lisa was already making plans for tomorrow night and it left you with a flutter in your heart with every suggestion and cute little emojis that followed.

You put your phone on the charger and went into the bathroom to brush your teeth and change into your pajamas. You tied your hair back and reached for your toothbrush, only to jump at a thud that came from downstairs.

You tiptoed out of your room and around the corner to peek at the staircase. You waited a moment in total silence, waiting with a bated breath to see if you'd hear anything else. Your heart was pounding against your chest, a bad feeling in your gut.

You were about to go downstairs, one sock-covered foot on the first step. But you didn't even make it down to the next step, because you soon locked eyes with the stranger in your home.

You both froze momentarily, shocked by each other's presence before you turned around and tried to run into your room and lock the door behind you.

But he was fast and caught up to you before you even stepped foot into the room. He grabbed your foot and you fell onto the floor, smacking your head in the process.

You groaned out in pain and reached up to check the spot to see if there was any blood. He crawled up your body and gazed into your eyes and you felt terrified by the look in them.

You pleaded for him not to hurt you, ready to offer him all of your cash in your wallet and the cash you had stashed away, your car keys, and your jewelry.

"Please just leave me alone." You whimpered and the man just smiled in response.

But you both jumped when your phone started to ring. It was Lisa calling!

You both stared at each other for a second before you started to squirm under him to try to get away. You kicked him hard, where it hurts most, and when he was off of you, you made a run for it. You were dizzy, your head ached, and your vision blurred.

But you made it to your room and you locked the door behind you before grabbing your phone and rushing into the bathroom. You turned off the lights and locked yourself in the room.

You just missed Lisa's call, but you knew that she wasn't the one to call right now. You dialed emergency services, pleading with tears in your eyes for them to hurry.

The operator tried to keep you calm and assure you that help was coming, only minutes away, but when you heard your door being kicked down you knew that it was too long.

You went silent, covering your mouth with your hand as you held your breath and bit your tongue. you could hear him going through your room., Glass was breaking, he was grunting as he threw things around and tried to gather up any and all of your valuables.

It felt like an eternity, but you heard the sirens wail as they came down the street and pulled into your driveway.

It was a long minute or two before there was a knock at the bathroom door, the handle jiggling and you gasped in terror, only calming down when you heard two deputies announce that it was the police.

You unlocked the door with shaky hands and saw the police standing there. Your room was trashed, furniture thrown around, papers and pictures scattered across the floor. You cried as it all hit you.

"I-Is he gone?"

"We got him." One of the cops ensured and went to lead you to the living room. But your phone rang with Lisa's ringtone again and you raced back into the bathroom to grab it. The policeman placed his hand on your back and led you out of the room.

"Lisa?" You whimpered and the distress in your voice told your girlfriend that there was something very wrong.

"Y/n? Are you okay, baby?"

"No." You cried. "Someone broke into my house,"

"What?! Are you okay?"

"No. I hit my head and everything's a mess and..." you paused and tried to catch your breath as you started to panic. "I need you."

"I'm on my way right now! I'll be there in a few minutes! Is help there?"


"Okay, good. I'm gonna hang up so I can drive but I'll be there so soon, okay?"

"O-Okay." You stammered and ended the call by dropping your phone onto the floor from the shakiness of your hands.

They looked you over, determining that you have a concussion. The cops were asking you a few questions and tried to assure you that you were safe.

But it was only when Lisa walked through the door that you actually felt safe for the first time since everything first spiraled out of control.

"Oh, y/n!" She rushed to you and knelt onto the floor in front of you before hugging you close. You trembled in her arms and cried into her neck. "It's okay. It's alright now. I'm here, baby, I'm right here with you now."

One of the officers cleared their throats to get your girlfriend's attention.

"We've got the man who hurt her." He said, making Lisa sigh in relief. "But I think it'd be best if you stay with her for a while or you take her to your place. She doesn't feel safe."

"Of course. I won't let her out of my sight, I promise." She said and rubbed your back comfortingly, tightening her arms around you to try to make you feel safer.

It was a few minutes later when everyone cleared out and it was just the two of you.

"My head hurts."

"Yeah? That's because you've got a concussion, sweet girl," she chuckled and looked into your eyes worriedly as she tucked a lock of hair behind your ear. "Is there anything you need?"

"I just need you. Please don't go. Please stay with me."

"I'm not going anywhere, y/n. I promise." She soothed as she rubbed your back again as a couple more tears fell from your eyes.

"Can we go somewhere else? I don't wanna be here. Not tonight or for a long while."

"Of course. I think it'd be a good idea for you to stay with me for a while. For as long as you need to or want."

You cracked a smile and dropped your head onto her shoulder.

"Need me to get anything for you before we go?"

You only shook your head in response. She helped you stand before she shrugged her jacket off and tucked it around your shoulders. She let you lean on her as she led you out of the house and into the car.

She drove you back to her house, where you stayed curled up in bed, wide awake with all of your favorite movies playing until the sun came up.

She was by your side every minute, holding you the entire night. You didn't sleep, simply cuddled up to her and let your worries and fears slip away, because you knew with her you'd always be safe.

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