candy rings - part two (requested)

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"Where are we going?" You asked as Lisa walked behind you, her hands covering your eyes as she guided you through the house.

"Just one second and you'll see." She said and kissed your cheek. "No peeking!" She warned teasingly as she uncovered one of your eyes so she could feel around the pocket of her shorts to make sure that the ring was there.

"Okay. You can look..." she paused and uncovered your eyes as she took one more look around. "Now!"

You opened your eyes and the sight in front of you took your breath away.

The kitchen was dimmed and there were a bunch of candles everywhere. There was a bouquet of your favorite flowers on the table and some petals of the same flower all over the floor. Balloons were through the house and photos of you and Lisa over the year were decorated on them.

"Oh, Lili," you smiled as you took a good look around.

You walked up to the balloons and looked at every photo. Some were from trips to different places that you've taken together, some were spur-of-the-moment photos she captured, some the girls had taken over the course of your relationship, some from anniversaries and birthdays and little date nights.

It was too much for your heart to take. You almost wanted to cry just thinking back to those moments with her. The moments were so special because you've spent them all with her.

"You like it?" She asked as she came up behind you, her lips brushing softly against your shoulder.

"I love it. You did all this yourself?"

"No. The girls helped me."

You turned around, eyebrows furrowed as you looked around the room.

"I don't see them anywhere."

"Oh, uh, yeah. They couldn't stick around, they had some things to take care of." She fibbed and found a little relief when you believed her. "But it wasn't just this they helped me out with. They made something really special for us."

She took your hand to lead you to the kitchen table. There were two plates, but both were covered so you couldn't see what was inside.

"What is it?"

"I have absolutely no idea. Why don't you see?"

You found it strange. This time, you knew she was lying. From the tone of her voice and the look in her eyes. But she seemed really excited for you to find out what it was, so you didn't argue.

"Okay." You said and walked over to uncover the plates.

It was your favorite dessert. You grinned when you saw it. Not just because you love it so much, but because Lisa said the girls made it and the thought of them putting so much love into something like this for you melted your heart.

However, you quickly noticed something else.

Across the plate, written in some kind of sauce, were a few words that you've dreamt would fall from Lisa's lips for the longest time.

Your heart hammered against your chest.

"Lisa?" You spoke breathlessly and turned around to already find her on one knee.

"I got you that real ring." She smiled. "I've had it for weeks now. I've just been trying to plan out the perfect way to give it to you and I knew you'd love the pictures to reflect on all the good times we've spent together. I want to share even more moments like that with you for as long as I live."

You sniffled, feeling your hands shake as you realized that finally, it was happening. The moment you've dreamt of sharing with the girl of your dreams was coming true.

"I can't imagine life without you by my side. You make everything better. You're my best friend, my whole life and I want to spend forever with you. So... marry me?"

You gasped as she held the ring a little closer. It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as your girl, who was on one knee in front of you with tears in her eyes and hands as shaky as yours.

"Yes," you cried. "Yes, of course, I'll marry you, Lisa!"

She stood up and threw her arms around you. She felt her heart race as she realized you're now her fiancee. Soon, you'll be her wife. It felt so surreal but she knew she'd never been happier in her whole life.

She pulled away and took your hand into hers. She slid the ring onto your finger and then brought your hand to her lips for a sweet kiss.

"I got you a real ring? Does that mean I'm your bias now?"

You laughed through your tears as you looped your arms around you. You gazed into her shiny eyes and your heart fluttered when you realized that you get to tare into the beautiful eyes for the rest of your life.

"You've always been my bias, baby. Always have been and always will be." You smiled and kissed her lips softly.

It was your first kiss as an engaged couple and that thought made your heart beat even faster.

"I love you, my soon-to-be wife."

You grinned at her, loving the way the words fell from her lips.

"I love you more, my beautiful fiancee."

You leaned in for another kiss, only pulling away when a camera flash went off. You looked over to where it came from and saw the girls there with the biggest smiles on their faces and their phones in their hands.

"I recorded it, Lisa. Just like you wanted." Rosie said as she stepped closer and they all quickly hugged the both of you.

"We're so happy for you!" Jennie smiled.

"You're getting married!" Jisoo grinned, feeling as if she might cry, too. The thought of you and Lisa, two of her very best friends, about to tie the knot soon, brought her immense happiness.

You cleaned your head on Lisa's chest and stared down at your ring.

"I can't wait," Lisa whispered as she kissed your head and held you close, over the moon just thinking about spending forever with you.

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