the first 'I love you'

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Before you walked through the door, your day had been terrible and the stress and worry that came along with the hours that had seemingly dragged by were settled on your slumped shoulders.

Opening the door, you were a little sad to find the lights dimmed and the room empty, thinking that Lisa wasn't home when you really needed her.

But you heard her footsteps on the stairs as soon as the door closed and you began to kick off your shoes. You lifted your head just to find her only feet away from you. Only seconds later, you were engulfed in her comforting embrace, as she gave you the hug you've been in need of from the moment you left hours ago.

You put your arms around her neck and let your cheek fall against her chest. You closed your eyes as the sadness in your heart slowly faded, replaced with a feeling of love so strong you thought your heart might just burst right out of your chest.

"Oh, baby." She whispered sadly, words soft in your ear before her lips barely brushed against the shell of your ear. "I'm sorry you had a bad day!"

"It's okay." You mumbled, lifting your head from her chest to meet her eyes. "I'm home with you now. I'm sure it'll get better very soon."

She bit the inside of her cheek before sending you a sweet smile. "I think I have the perfect thing to make it better. Come with me." She took your hand into hers, lacing your fingers together before leading you up to your shared bedroom.

She kissed your hand before letting it go as you reached the doorway.

"I have something special for you. I know you're quite the bookworm and how much you love getting new novels! So, I was on my way home from practice with the girls and I saw this cute little bookstore that just opened and I saw something that reminded me of you; something I know you'll love and... a way to tell you something that's been on my mind for a long while now."

She walked to the table by her side of the bed, opening the drawer and sliding it closed before walking back over to you.

Standing right in front of you, she kept her eyes locked on yours as she took your hand and slid the novel in the palm of your hand.

"What's this?"

"Something I know you'll love," she said simply, eyes sparkling before she looked down at your hand and your gaze followed.

You gasped when you noticed that it wasn't just any novel, it's one you've been mentioning for the longest time! One you've been waiting to hold in your hand.

"I know you've been wanting it. I know it's important to you, so I saw it and I couldn't resist."

"Oh, Lisa..." You cooed as your heart began to beat quickly in your chest. You wanted to thank her but you knew you'd have to find the right words to say first.

But before you even got the chance, she gleefully said, "Open the last page."

Her heart was pounding in her chest; somewhere between excited and terrified as she was about to take the biggest leap in your relationship so far.

She watched you flip over page after page. Her hands were shaking in anticipation and she was so nervous that she was just about to grab the book from your hands and rip all the other pages but that very last one out!

But before she even lifted a finger, you reached the last page.

You'd recognize that red lipstick that circled the last three words on the very last page anywhere. A little heart drawn with her lipstick followed the three circled words; the three words that you've been trying to say for the longest time.

You looked up at her in awe, speechless as your eyes locked.

She took your other hand into hers wordlessly and let her forehead fall against your own. She cracked a smile when she heard you giggle happily.


"I love you."

Your breath hitched at her words and when her chest brushed against yours, you could feel the hammer of her heart against yours as your heart began to do the same.

"I've been wanting to say that for so long! I just never found the moment or the right way to tell you but then I saw this book and I know you love the author a lot. Curious about a few chapters, I skimmed through them, and then I saw that it ended with I love you and I felt like that was the perfect way to tell you."

Your smile was bigger than she'd ever seen before. Though it brought her a little relief, she couldn't help but worry over how you haven't said the words back to her.

"Say something... please?"

You chuckled and let go of the book to lay it on the foot of the bed so you could wrap your arms around her neck and close your eyes when your heart started to leap joyously in your chest.

"I love you too!" You chuckled happily. "I've loved you for so long now but I didn't know when the right time to say it would be... because I didn't know if you felt the same and if I'd be jumping too far too fast."

"Well," She paused, cupping your cheeks in the palms of her hands. "I love you lots. To the moon and back."

Your lips hit hers, expecting for the kiss to be one of the most passionate ones you've ever shared. But it was soft and sweet; slow, but loving. She was pouring her heart into it, trying to kiss you as softly as she could.

"I love you." You whispered against her lips, relishing in the way they moved against your own and the way they taste as you lost yourself in her lips, wishing that the moment could last forever.

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