first kiss

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As Lisa walked you home all you could think about was how sad you felt about how fast the night had gone by.

It was easily the best date you'd ever been on, but you're finding yourself saying that with every date you and Lisa go on. It's your third and each one seems to be better than the last.

You love being around her. You like the way she makes you feel. How she looks at you when you talk to her, how she really listens to every word you say, and how understood she makes you feel.

Though it's still really early in your relationship, you're already feeling better and more comfortable than you have in any other relationship before.

She was holding your hand as she walked you to your door. She ran her thumb across your knuckles and would gaze at you with a smile that melted your heart. The last time she walked you home both of you were too nervous to make a move, only letting the night end with a kiss on the cheek.

But you hoped that tonight would be different.

She walked you up the steps to your door. You pulled out your keys and put them in the door before turning back to look at her. "I had a lot of fun tonight."

She nodded but when you caught her eyes you noticed her gaze was resting on your lips. She licked hers softly before she slowly started to lean in. Her lips hit yours, barely brushing across them before she looked up into your eyes. She was hesitant but soon captured your lips in a much more passionate yet soft kiss.

You cupped her face until you felt her fingers lace with yours as she pulled away. She still craved the affection and closeness with you. "I'll come over at the same time tomorrow?"

"I'd love that."

She planted one more kiss on your lips, keeping it short but sweet before she started to walk away. Your hand eventually fell to your side when she was too far away to hold it any longer.

You watched her turn the corner before you went inside and leaned against the door with a goofy grin on your face.

You were already counting down the hours till you'd see her again tomorrow, hoping to relive that kiss all over again then.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now