swarmed by paparazzi when you're pregnant (requested)

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Your head rested comfortably on Lisa's shoulder as you walked through town together.

She hasn't been able to take her eyes off of the photo in her hands; the newest photo that you got today at your scan.

Finally far enough along, you found out that you and Lisa are expecting a little girl in just a few months.

For so long, you have been dreaming of having a family together and it wasn't easy getting here.

It's been a long road but every time you both stare down at your bump or the many photos from the scans you've had so far, you and Lisa know it's been worth every second.

"She's perfect." Lisa smiled. "Not much longer until she finally comes into the world and we get to meet her!"

"I'm excited!" You grinned and Lisa looked away from the photo in her hand to stare at you.

Her smile was bright as your eyes met and after she kissed your forehead, she stared down at your bump that was getting bigger each and every day.

"We should go shopping now!"

"Right now?" Lisa chuckled and you quickly nodded your head.

She knows how impatient you've been for this day, mostly because you've been so excited over the thought of going baby shopping and buying a bunch of stuff to spoil the baby with.

Lisa won't even deny that she's felt the same.

She's been so excited, knowing that it'll be even more real once you start buying things for her.

Until now, it's only been small things like blankets or socks.

But now, you can get whatever you want to spoil your little girl with.

"Okay. Let's do it."

You excitedly squealed before kissing her lips.

The store was just a few blocks away and since you want to enjoy the fresh air and this beautiful day with your girls, you wanted to walk and enjoy every second of the sun on your shoulders.

You got caught up in talking about the things you both wanted to get today and things you wanted to do after.

You weren't paying much attention to people that you passed by, especially since, for once, they weren't paying much attention to you and Lisa.

But that didn't take long to change.

Because someone recognized you and without your knowledge, they sneakily and excitedly took a photo of you and Lisa walking through town with her arm around you.

The fan tagged the location and this caused other fans nearby to rush to the area you were in.

And they weren't alone.

Paparazzi were doing the same.

Lisa's heart sank as soon as she heard the sound of fans excitedly screaming from nearby.

You both turned your heads and saw fans and a few paparazzi making their way toward you.

She cursed under her breath before pulling you closer.

You looked at her with a look of worry and fear in your eyes.

"Don't worry, baby. I won't let anything happen to either of you." She promised as she protectively kept you close to her as everyone swarmed around you.

Paparazzi were loud, the sound of their voices and cameras so loud it was as though they were right in your ear.

The overly excited fans weren't much better.

They were screaming in your ears, as well as Lisa's, and their phones were in your faces as they took videos and pictures of you.

"Please give us a little space," Lisa said as you both tried to remain calm and friendly.

The paparazzi were crossing lines, though.

One got so close that their hand touched your bump, which made you panic and Lisa go wide-eyed.

"Back off! Leave her alone!" Lisa loudly said. "It's bad enough that you follow us everywhere and invade our privacy but now you're touching my pregnant wife's stomach?" She asked, shocked and upset. "Do not do that again!"

But it seemed that he hadn't learned his lesson because the same man continued to get close to you, trying to take a picture of the scan of your baby in Lisa's hand.

"Can we see the scan?"

"If we decide to post about it." She sassed back.

"A lot of people want to keep up with this exciting journey you two are on. You don't give us many glimpses into it." He said and you rolled your eyes at him.

"Because it's our private life. We don't owe anyone anything during this time in our lives." Lisa said, trying to stay calm as she clenched her teeth.

The man continued to stay close to you and, again, too curious despite Lisa's warning, he tried to touch your bump once more.

"Hey!" Lisa yelled as more people started to swarm you both, so loud and so overwhelming that you were beginning to panic in her arms.

"Give us some space! Can't you see that she's afraid? It's not just us, we have a baby to worry about and care for! You can't crowd around us like this!"

She was seething as people tried to touch you and remained so close that you felt as though you couldn't breathe.

Thankfully, though, you reached the doors of the store only a moment later and went inside.

"If any of you ever get too close again and she or the baby end up hurt, I'll sue!" She threatened before gently guiding you into the far back of the shop.

She held you close and rubbed your back as you leaned against her and tried to calm down.

She tried to get you to ignore the stares of curious onlookers in the shop that witnessed the chaos outside as she did her best to keep you calm and protect you and the baby.

"It's okay. Everything's okay."

"Thank you." You said. "I was so scared."

"I know. But you don't need to be. I've got you. I'll always protect you and our little girl, I promise."

You lifted your head and sent her a sweet smile.

"I think you scared them a bit with that threat."

"Well, they need to know. I meant it. No one is hurting either of my girls, I will not let it happen. I love you so much; both of you." She said as she put her hands on your bump.

"I always feel so safe with you, Lili. You're going to be the most amazing mom. We love you too."

She kissed your lips and brushed her fingers across your skin as you both smiled into the kiss, feeling much better and much safer now that you were inside.

And you refused to let the paparazzi and overly excited fans ruin your day with the chaos because you began to shop for your little girl soon after that sweet moment you shared as she continued to hold onto the photo and you counted down the days until she'd finally arrive.

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