sick after walking home in the rain (requested)

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You shivered as you walked through the front door. You were soaked from head to toe, your socks and shoes sloshing with every step you took.

The water trickled down your body and off your clothes and onto the floor as you attempted to take off your shoes. As you untied the laces while you trembled from the cold, you heard Lisa running down the stairs.

"You're home! Thank gosh, I was worried about you!" She said as she reached the bottom step, only to look shocked to see you drenched from the rain. The thunder crashed once more, taking you both by surprise as it shook the house slightly.

"Why are you wet?"

"B-Because I had to walk." You tried to explain as you continued to shiver.


"You were supposed to pick me up! Remember?"

Her eyes went wide when it sank in. She had totally forgotten. With so much on her plate, she was a little overwhelmed and thought you were getting a ride from a coworker or a cab.

But once it hit her she felt an inexpressible amount of guilt. She didn't care that you were drenched. You were freezing and wet and it was all because of her.

So she pulled you into her arms, hoping it'd help you to warm up a little.

"I'm so sorry, baby." She said as she rubbed your back. "I forgot. I feel awful."

"It's okay, Lili. I understand. But you have to cuddle me to help me warm up now."

She laughed as she pulled away, tucking a lock of your wet hair behind your ear before she took your hand to lead upstairs to your shared room.

"You know I'm always happy to cuddle you. But you need to get out of these clothes."

She looked through all of the clothes hanging up before pulling out one of her shirts and a pair of your sweats.

"Here we go, baby." She mumbled as she walked to stand in front of you.

She helped you peel off your shirt first. She threw it into the almost empty basket across the room before helping you pull the shirt over your head. Then she helped you take off your pants and your socks, quickly helping you into clean and fresh ones.

"Let me go throw these in the wash real fast. Why don't you get all cozy under the covers and try to warm up?" She said before laying a kiss on your forehead and helping you to bed and under the warm blankets.

She tucked you in all warm and secure before sending you a sad smile and walking out of the room and down the stairs.

It was a few minutes later when she returned and joined you under the covers. Her legs tangled with yours, her arms wrapping around you and pulling you closer, so your back would be against her chest.

"Are you okay? Any warmer?"

"Yeah, I'm getting there."

"Good. I'm so sorry I forgot. It was a busy day and it just slipped from my mind. But that's no excuse. Not when the consequence is you being stuck walking through the middle of a storm."

"It's okay, Lisa." You mumbled as you craned your neck to turn back to look at her. "I'll be alright. Just keep holding me."

"You know I won't let you go." She promised with a small smile before leaning in to steal a few kisses from your lips.

You both fell asleep after spending some time talking about your days. Your head was against her chest, but you moved away in your sleep as the hours passed by and you grew more uncomfortable.

It was only a few hours later when you woke up. You were out of your girlfriend's arms now and you felt cold again. But you realized quickly that you didn't just feel cold, but also a little sick.

Your throat was sore and you thought you'd go downstairs to grab some water. But as soon as you moved, a tickle in your throat appeared and you started to cough into your elbow. You winced in pain, the feeling hurting both your lungs and your throat.

"Y/n?" Lisa mumbled as she awoke from your cough.

She turned the light on and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before she scooted closer to you. Her hand fell onto your back as you started to cough again and she realized that your skin was clammy and warm against her fingertips.

"You're burning up." She mumbled with a frown. "Stay here."

She went to grab the thermometer, as well as some water from the kitchen for you to sip on. You took a few sips, finding that the cold drink soothed your throat momentarily.

She set the thermometer under your tongue and watched the numbers climb. When it beeped a few seconds later she pulled it out of your mouth.

"Just a little over one-hundred and one." She said and watched you raise your elbow to your mouth to cough into it a couple more times. "You're definitely coming down with something. It's from being out in the storm. I'm so sorry. It's my fault."

"Lisa, stop." You spoke with a scratchy voice. "It's not your fault. You know I don't blame you and you know I'm not upset."

"Still," she mumbled and started to caress your cheek. "I'm sorry that you're sick and not feeling well. But don't worry. I'm here to take care of you. Anything you need?"

"Some cuddles would be nice."

She climbed back under the covers with you and kissed your neck softly.

"Always happy to give my girl some cuddles." She smiled. "Try to sleep. Maybe some sleep will help you to feel a little better. If you need anything during the night, please don't hesitate to wake me. Promise me."

"I promise, Lili. I love you."

"I love you too, sweet girl. Sleep tight." She said and watched you drift off to sleep, hoping you'd feel better with some rest.

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