you're mine (requested)

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"I'm so proud of you!" You cheered as you looped your arms around your girlfriend's neck. Your smile was huge and bright as you held onto her tightly.

"You've been saying that for the last forty minutes, baby." She laughed, but happily brushed the tip of her nose against your own.

"I can't help it! This is a huge win for you and the girls and I'm really happy for you. Being your girlfriend, I see how hard you work firsthand. I see how much passion you pour into everything. your blood, sweat, and tears. It makes me happy to know that other people see it too."

She grinned and leaned in to peck your lips lovingly.

"I'm happy you were able to tag along tonight! I know this is the first award show you've ever been to and I'm pretty sure you're having a good time; just guessing by that beautiful smile on your face." She said as she moved her hand along your back. "I'm gonna go grab us a drink. I'll be back in a second." She smiled and laid a kiss to your cheek before letting go to grab you both a drink.

Across the room, you heard a faint yell of your name. At first, you thought it might be one of the girls. After all, it was crowded and the loud chatter in the room made it hard to hear people unless they were close to you.

However, once the person stepped closer you realized that it was actually Solar of mamamoo, and upon realizing that you felt a rush of excitement come over you!

"Hello, Y/N! It's so nice to meet you!"

You suddenly felt a little shy. Your mind went blank and you chuckled nervously as you tried to think of the words to say.

"You look so beautiful tonight, Y/N!" She complimented and you thanked her in response. "But, then again, you always look beautiful."

Lisa was looking at you from across the room, just curious as to if you'd caught up to the girls yet or if you were mingling with anyone else around. She knows you look up to some of the idols present tonight and if you saw one you recognized you'd more than likely try to start a conversation, or come to her and see if she'd introduce you; if you felt a little too nervous to say hello yourself.

When she noticed Solar talking to you she felt happy. She knows you enjoy her solo music, as well as mamamoo as a whole.

But then she caught a glimpse of Solar biting her lip and looking you up and down. Eyes roaming over your figure for a lengthy period and in a way she didn't like.

Suddenly, the drink in her hand was the last thing on her mind. She decided to go say hello to Solar, thinking maybe she'd back off a bit when she realized she'd returned.

But the closer she got the more angry she felt. She watched Solar swipe her tongue against her lips and smirk at you. She was practically swooning over you.

"Really, Y/N, you look amazing." Solar said, still unaware that Lisa was getting closer and closer.

A pang of jealousy hit her and she couldn't stand back and bite her tongue any longer.

"Well, you got that right. My girl is always looking amazing." Lisa said as she came up behind you and wrapped you in her arms. "I know a lot of people think so, but I'm the lucky one!" She giggled and laid a lingering kiss to your cheek, causing you to laugh and lay your head against her shoulder. "I'm lucky to call her mine. All mine."

Solar cleared her throat, suddenly feeling awkward as she realized she'd crossed a line.

"My apologies. You look amazing tonight too, Lisa. Congrats on your win with the girls!" She said with a small smile then walked away, leaving Lisa smirking to herself.

You turned around and folded your arms over your chest. "Jealous much?"

"Can you blame me?" She asked as she brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. "You don't even realize how stunning you are and how breathtaking you look tonight. I don't like people looking at you the way she was. She was basically swooning over you!" She pouted.

You laughed and put your arm around her neck.

"Thank you, baby. But you've got nothing to be jealous about. Okay, yeah, maybe she was flirting but I wasn't. I never would. Not when I've got you. You're everything I've ever wanted, everything I've dreamt of having. I'm in love with you. Okay?"

She beamed at you then leaned in to kiss you. Although it was only meant to be loving, it got a little steamy the longer it went on for.

But, you soon remembered that you were in a very public place with very big names and many prying eyes.

You pulled away and Lisa whined slightly.

"I love you." You reminded her, watching as she smiled brightly.

"I love you more, baby girl."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now