"let me help" (requested)

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You took a seat on the sofa and stared down at your shoes on the floor, a frown on your face as you tried to figure out how you'd get your shoes on today.

Tying your shoelaces has never been a problem for you until now, as you broke your hand yesterday and you're now struggling to do the simplest of things on your own.

Lisa had to help you change out of your pajamas and change into something different so you could go to Jisoo's, where you and the rest of the girls planned to have a nice dinner together.

You've had that planned for the last few days and you've all been so excited about it. You don't want to miss out on it.

"Ready, my love?" Lisa asked as she came down the stairs.

She was all ready to go, her shoes already on and her bag over her shoulders.

However, she quickly realized that you weren't, and you looked quite upset at you stared at your shoes on the floor.

"Need some help, baby?"

"You've already done so much to help me since yesterday, Lili. I don't want you to keep having to do everything for me."

"Hey, don't start." She said with a sweet smile on her face as she knelt on the floor in front of you. "Y/N, your hand is broken. You need a little help doing things and there's nothing wrong with that. I'm more than happy to help you."

You cracked a smile at her and put your foot out for her. She put your left sneaker on first, tying the laces for you.

"I can feel you staring at me." She teased and looked up at you with a sparkle in her eyes as she grabbed your other shoe.

"I can't help it. You're so good to me and I just love you so much."

Your words made her heart flutter in her chest, a sweet giggle falling from her lips.

"I appreciate you helping me so much. I don't know how else I'd manage."

"Well, everything is going to be different until your hand heals up. Until then, I don't mind if you need me to wait on you hand and foot."

She laughed at her own joke, making you playfully roll your eyes at her.

"I'm more than happy to help you and to care for you. So let me. When you need help, let me help."

"Well, I might need help eating my food today."

"That's okay." She giggled. "We'll figure everything out as we go. No matter what, I'm here for you. I've got you."

She finished tying your laces on your other shoe before she looked up at you.

You took the opportunity to kiss her lips right away and she couldn't help but smile against them, your lips moving together lovingly.

"Come on, cutie. Let's go to Jisoo's. It's going to be a fun night." She promised and took your other hand into hers to help you out the door and into the car for an exciting night with the girls.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now