surprising her on tour

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You peeked behind the curtain, met with the loud screams coming from the thousands of fans packed into the arena for tonight's show.

Right away though, your gaze landed on Lisa. It wasn't surprising to see her pouring out her heart and soul into every part of the show. The passion for performing runs through her veins and it's truly a special sight to see and although you're not sitting front and center like you usually would, you're still enjoying seeing it from backstage where you're waiting to greet Lisa after being apart for the last month and a half.

You're trying hard to stand still and contain your joy and excitement, but it's nearly impossible to do. With your heart pounding in your chest and your mind wandering away with thoughts of how she'd react when she sees you tonight, your excitement seemed to grow while your patience was running thin.

But time flies when you're having fun and it wasn't long before the show was closing. You rushed into the dressing room to wait for Lisa there and your heart felt like it was gonna hammer right out of your chest with how anxious you were getting.

You listened to the screams die down as the fans started to exit the arena, and it wasn't long till you heard excited screams and squeals coming from the girls as they made their way down the hallway.

"That was the best show yet! I can't wait to call Y/N and tell her all about it! She's gonna be over the moon hearing about it all." Lisa spoke as she got closer and closer to the dressing room.

You actually thought she'd be the first to enter the room, but it was actually Rose who made it there first. She froze when she first saw you before a bright smile appeared on her face. "Lisa! Lisa, come here!" She peeked out the door and yelled down the hall and you heard fast footsteps on the floor before Lisa breathlessly walked through the door.

She parted her lips, worried about what Rose was yelling out for her. But before she could even say a word, Rose nodded to you and everything else faded away.

"Y/N..." She whispered in disbelief, frozen on her feet until you giggled and held your arms open for her.

"So? Are you gonna come give your girlfriend a hug or...?" You trailed off and only a split second went by before she was rushing to you and pulling you into her arms.

You squealed and threw your head back with a laugh when she lifted your feet from the floor and spun you around. You hooked your legs around her hips and let your cheek fall to her shoulder as you closed your eyes and basked in the comfort you finally felt again.

"I can't believe it.... you're really here! I've been hoping and dreaming of this moment. I've missed you so much!" She placed her head on yours and breathed out a shaky sigh, causing you to hold her tighter.

"Hey," you whispered softly, lifting your head to cup her cheeks when she lifted her head, too. "I'm here, baby. I'm right here and I've missed you so much."

She leaned in to give you a kiss, only a few coos from the girls coming from behind you made her pull away at the very last second.

"Hey, girls!"

While you were grinning at them from ear to ear, Lisa was nodding to the door, wordlessly pleading for them to leave and let you share a few moments alone.

"Good to see you again! We'll give you both a little space for a bit." Jisoo said as she shoved Jennie and Rose out the door, giggling as they continued to coo over the two of you until the door was closed and it was just you and Lisa once more.

You turned back to her and she nudged your cheek with her nose, brushing her lips against the same spot, only for you to shake your head. "Silly. You missed!" you teased and tapped your lips only to watch her eyes light up before she pulled you in for what was only meant to be a loving kiss until you deepened it and she found herself craving more.

She giggled against your lips, pulling away too soon, causing you to whine.

"You missed me?"

"Of course I did." You whispered softly, brushing your hands along her cheeks. "I've missed you so much. It's never easy being away from you. Nothing feels the same. It got to me a couple of nights ago and I knew that I couldn't handle being away from you any longer so I booked a flight and flew out here as soon as I could."

She bit her lip as her heart fluttered in her chest. "I've missed you too, darling. How long do I have you with me?"

"Two weeks."

She brushed her nose against your cheek once more, this time letting her forehead fall against yours afterward. "I'm so excited! We've got so many places to go in that time and I'm gonna spoil you like crazy."

She sighed softly when your lips hit hers again. Fingers spreading along your back, she dragged them along your spine softly while your fingers tangled through her hair.

"I love you." She spoke softly, pulling away just a little, only to whisper those words against your lips and to see you smile at her.

"I love you too." You said before kissing her again, feeling like you can't get enough now that you're with her again.

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