kissing her unexpectedly

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Your heart hammered in your chest as you read the text from Lisa over and over again excitedly.

Standing in the middle of the airport, you felt so giddy that you couldn't even stand still anymore. Lisa had finally arrived and at any given moment you'll finally be able to hold onto her again!

You're glad, especially since FaceTime just isn't enough anymore. It got you through the long two months apart but the distance and time apart have begun to get the best of you and only seeing her face through your phone screen aren't enough when you need her in your arms.

Caught up in your thoughts and excitement, the only thing that caught your attention was a familiar voice coming from across the airport.

You looked over excitedly, finding Lisa staring at you with a big, bright smile on her face. Jisoo was beside her and she quickly tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to take her bags for her before she started to run to you.

You met her halfway and leaped into her arms. She laughed happily, filling your heart with joy as she hugged you close. You instinctively wrapped your legs around her hips and put your cheek on her shoulder, happy to finally be in her arms after so much time apart.

She tightened her arms around you and let out a soft sigh before saying, "I missed you!" She buried her lips in your hair, giving you a few kisses on the crown of your head. "And I love you so much. It's so good to hold you again. I didn't think I'd make it this long without you!"

You lifted your head from her shoulder and instead put your forehead on hers, staring into her eyes as she spoke.

"I have so many fun stories to tell you! Oh! And I got you a few souvenirs! I think you'll love them!"

"Of course I will." You said as you cracked a smile. "You got them for me. You know I'll cherish them all."

"I had a feeling you'd say that," she giggled happily.

You put your feet on the ground but found your arms still looped around her neck to keep her close. She was talking, rattling off suggestions of what you could do together tonight since there was still some time left in the day.

But while she spoke, all you could do was stare at her lips. They looked soft and kissable, as they always do. It's been a while since you've been able to feel them on yours, since you tasted the mint on her breath.

"We could have a movie marathon or go for a romantic dinner,"

Though she was still talking, the words falling from her lips in a rush from the excitement she felt, you found yourself unable to stop yourself from crashing your lips onto hers, cutting her off.

She was taken aback for a moment. Her breath hitched and she let your lips move on hers for a moment before it really sank in.

She moved her hand to the small of your back. Her fingertips brushed along your skin softly as she kissed you, turning it from a sweet one into a more passionate one. She could feel her heart hammering in her chest and she knew you could too, since her chest was against yours in only a second.

She bit your lip gently as you pulled back slowly. But you kept your lips close to hers because you weren't ready to pull away completely just yet.

She smiled against your lips and bit her lip as her forehead fell against yours again.

"Welcome home." You pecked her lips, pulling away before she could try to deepen it. "I'm sorry. I couldn't wait for even another second."

"Did you hear me complaining, baby girl?"

Your cheeks felt warm against her fingertips as they swiped over your skin softly.

"Hey," she whispered softly, making your head lift to look into her eyes. "Missed you too, my love."

And with that, her lips were right back on yours; her kisses concupiscent and full of passion as they moved in sync with your own and she thanked her lucky stars to finally be home with you once again.

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