break up prank on you (requested)

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You walked through the front door to find Lisa already sat on the couch. Her head was buried in her hands but it lifted when she heard the door close behind you.

Usually, on the days you arrive home after her, she's quick to throw her arms around you and grin from ear to ear. But today, you noticed right away that her eyes looked sorta sad.

"Lisa? Everything okay?"

She just lowered her head and let out a shaky breath as she tried to find the words to say. You could see it in her eyes every time they locked with yours.

Something wasn't quite right... or so she made you believe.

"I don't know how to say this." She mumbled and then swiped her tongue along her lips.

Thinking she could use some comfort, you reached for her hand and tried to give her a reassuring squeeze.

"This isn't easy for me to say," she spoke quietly.

"You can say it, Lili. Whatever it is, I'm always here to hear you out." You said, thinking whatever weighed so heavily on her mind would be something so simple for you both to overcome.

That was, until, she suddenly blurted out.

"I think we should break up."

You sat there in shock. Your mind went blank. Out of all the possibilities of the things she'd say, you didn't think that'd be one of them. Your heart broke as soon as the words left her lips and sank in.

"What? Why?"

"I just think we need some time apart."

"I don't need time apart!" You quickly said. "I need you, Lisa. That's what I need, you're all I need."

She brushed her hands along her face as if she was frustrated when in reality she was becoming a little sad as she noticed tears well up in your eyes.

She was already regretting playing this prank on you. Because although she wanted to finally get some revenge on you for all the pranks you've pulled on her, it hurt her inside to know that you're hurting.

"What did I do wrong?" You wondered. "Or, was there something that I didn't do? Please, Lisa, you have to tell me."

She looked to her bags on the floor beneath the table and your heart sank at the thought of her being ready to leave already.

"Please, don't go." You begged and placed your head on her lap. "I love you. I don't wanna lose you."

"Y/N," she sighed. "I-I just think this would do us some good. With everything going on right now, with the comeback being right around the corner and a long tour in the near future, I just think we should take a little break. Just a little time apart-"

"No!" You argued. "You know I'll stay by your side through it all. Just because we don't spend every waking minute together doesn't mean I'll love you any less. You should know by now."

"I do." She quickly said and gazed into your sad eyes.

"Then why break up? I'm in love with you, Lisa. Please don't leave me."

She pulled you into her arms and brought you in for a big hug. Her embrace was so secure, so warm. You felt comforted and safe and you clung to her in fear that she'd let go, that you'd lose everything that was most important to you.

That you'd lose her.

"I'm not leaving you, y/n. You should know I'm much too in love with you to ever do that."

You pulled away and gazed at her in confusion.

"Then why'd you say we should take some time apart?"

"Because I was getting my revenge on you by pulling the break-up prank on you, my love."

You rolled your eyes before sitting back, refusing to look her way.

"Seriously not cool."

"Funny, I think I said something like that, too." She giggled. "Oh, c'mon, my girl, you had it coming. You should know it's just a prank. I couldn't leave you even if I tried. I'd always long for you, find that all the good things I love about my life would be gone. That everything would be grey, that all the sunshine and happiness you bring me would just fade away."

You laid your head on her shoulder as she wrapped her arm around you.

"You know I feel the same way. I can't imagine my life without you. I love you. Sorry for starting this whole prank thing between us."

"It's all good." She smiled at you when you looked up at her. "Now, no more tears. I'm right here and I'll never leave. In fact, I think we should spend the entire night ahead just cuddling together."

You giggled as she squeezed you a little tighter and began to pepper kisses all across your head.

"Sounds perfect." You said, more than happy to spend the remainder of the evening and night ahead wrapped in her arms.

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