the first time you stay the night

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The crash of thunder caused you to turn your attention away from the movie Lisa had turned on. You looked out the window to see that it was pouring rain. The lightning struck, startling you. You looked at the time on your phone before looking back at Lisa. "I should go before it gets really bad out."

Lisa scoffed and pulled you right back down when you tried to get up. "It's already bad. Don't be silly, y/n. I'm not letting you drive home in this weather." You could see the worry clouding her eyes. "Then what should I do?"

"Just stay here with me." You couldn't help the smile pulling at your lips. "Really?" She nodded. "Okay. Should I just sleep here on the couch?" She furrowed her eyebrows then laughed. "No, silly! You're gonna stay with me."

Your heart fluttered as she reached for the remote and turned the tv off. "We'll just finish it tomorrow. It's getting late and I know you're already tired." She said and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers together as you went off to her room.

"I don't have any other clothes." You mumbled as you sat on the foot of her bed. Lisa went to her closet and tossed you a pair of sweats and a clean shirt. "Just wear those. I'm gonna go get ready in the bathroom, I'll be right out."

You nodded and watched her go into her bathroom, closing the door behind her to allow you both some privacy. You quickly changed into your clothes and put your phone down on the bedside table. You laid back in her bed. It was so soft, almost making you feel like you were floating on a cloud.

You heard the door open and Lisa walked out of the bathroom. She had a bright smile on her face seeing you laying comfortably in bed. She pulled the blanket up on her side and laid down next to you.

She climbed underneath them and laid down. "Do you wanna move closer?" She asked hesitantly and watched as you moved closer and closer to her until you could lay your head on her chest.

She put her arm around you and then draped the blanket over you, making sure you were warm and cozy. "Comfortable?" She asked, looking down at you with a look of love and happiness in her eyes. "Very."

She kissed you softly and reached over to turn the lights off. "I like you being here with me. I could really get used to this." She mumbled as she rubbed circles across your back. "Me too."

"Do you need anything before we go to sleep?" You shook your head with a smile. "No, I've got all I need right here." Lisa cracked a smile and kissed the top of your head before you both fell asleep, hoping for more nights like these.

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now