she comes home to find you asleep

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You've been sick for the past couple of days. You could hardly find the energy to leave the bed until today, where you plopped yourself down onto the couch and would wait for Lisa to get home.

However, Lisa had no idea that you moved downstairs. So when she got home, bringing the girls along with her, it caught her off guard.

She opened the door. The laughter that had previously been flowing through the air was cut off when they all saw you sound asleep on the couch, blankets half and half off of your body, remote control on the floor as a random movie played quietly.

Lisa tiptoed over to you. She grabbed the remote and placed it on the table. She draped the blanket back over you, hand falling to your forehead to feel the heat and sweat clinging to your skin.

Your eyes fluttered open and Lisa smiled softly at you. "Hey. Sorry to wake you. We didn't know you'd be asleep."

You tilted your head back, met with three other pairs of eyes on you. You shook your head with a sigh. "Sorry. I just wanted to wait for you to come home. I must've fallen asleep." You said sleepily as you rubbed your hands over your face.

"We'll just head out, okay? See you tomorrow. Feel better, y/n." Jennie said as she hugged your shoulders, the other girls following, before they left, leaving you and Lisa alone for the first time all day.

"Your fever is worse than earlier." You heard her say, clearly worried as she chewed on her lip and rubbed your arm. "Wanna go back up to bed? I'll help you upstairs if you feel you'll be more comfortable there."

You shook your head and instead patted the space behind you. "No. Just lay with me here."

Lisa nodded with a smile and laid behind you on the couch. She wrapped her arm around you and breathed against your neck causing a chill to go down your spine and her to giggle. "Sorry." She said and started to rub your arm as she leaned her head on your shoulder and kept her eyes trained on your face, looking for any hints of discomfort in your eyes.

"Are you feeling any better?"

You shook your head. You really felt sick still, but on the bright side you weren't feeling any worse, and when you told Lisa that she was slightly relieved. "Go back to sleep." She whispered as she comforted you with her fingertips running along your arm and her lips pressing to your face.

Even as sick as you felt you still couldn't help but smile. She always took such good care of you, always made you feel so loved and cared for.

"Okay. Love you." You muttered and closed your eyes, slowly falling asleep as she whispered an 'I love you more' into your ear.

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