you pass out

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You've been sick for the last couple of days. Lisa has pretty much confined you to the bed, wanting you to do nothing but stay there where you could rest and get to feeling better.

You woke up, a little after midnight and in desperate need of some cold water to help relieve your scratchy throat. Lisa was sound asleep next to you and you had no idea how long she's been asleep for.

She's been waiting on you and hand and foot, getting you whatever you've been needing whenever you needed it. You haven't been out of bed in days other than to use the bathroom, so you didn't wanna wake her up.

You carefully stood up. Your knees felt shaky and weak but you somehow made it downstairs. You reached the kitchen and went to the fridge to reach for a bottle of water, but the closer you got the weaker you became.

You felt dizzy. You gripped the edge of the counter, your knuckles turning white from the tight grip you had on it. "Y/n?" Lisa called your name. She woke up just a minute ago, confused at first but quickly turning panicky when she realized you weren't in bed with her.

She came closer to you. "What are you doing out of bed?" She asked. But the closer she came to you, the further away she sounded. Things were becoming blurry and you closed your eyes just to blink a few times. But your knees buckled underneath you and your eyes rolled back as you fainted, right as Lisa was able to catch you.

She lowered you to the floor and gently started to call your name. "Y/n. Y/n, wake up." She watched your eyes open just a moment later and a sigh of relief fell from her lips. She leaned her forehead onto your shoulder. Your skin was still warm, you were still feverish, but she noticed you weren't as warm as you've felt the past few days.


"Don't move, y/n. Just lay here for a minute." She rubbed your arm soothingly. "You passed out, y/n. You scared me."

You swallowed thickly and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry."

She cracked a small smile and leaned down to brush her lips across your cheek. "What were you doing out of bed in the first place?"

"I needed some water. I didn't wanna wake you."

She stood up and quickly grabbed you a bottle of water from the fridge. She helped you sit up, slowly and carefully, before passing the bottle your way. You took a few sips, letting the cold liquid soothe your scratchy and sore throat, before putting it on the floor.

"You should've woken me up. I'm here to take care of you. I'd much rather get up in the middle of the night and get you what you need than for you to pass out on me." You nodded, slowly reaching up to stroke her cheek. "I'm so sorry."

She shook her head and kissed your forehead. "Don't worry about it. Let's just get you up to the bed, okay?" She helped you to your feet and just to be safe, kept her arm around your waist while you walked up the stairs together.

She helped you to bed and then laid down next to you. She covered you up and once you were warm under the blankets she leaned over to give you a kiss on your cheek. "I love you and I hope you feel better soon."

She wrapped her arm around your stomach and put her head down on your back. "I love you too, Lisa."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now