I'm here to listen (requested)

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Author's Note: this chapter contains possibly triggering content. Please don't read this if that stuff makes you feel uncomfortable. Thank you.


"It's such a beautiful day outside," Lisa said as you exited the bathroom as you just finished brushing your teeth. "The birds are all singing, the sun is shining, and it just seems like a beautiful day to go and spend the day out with my girl."

You smiled at her as you sat back down on the bed, reaching for your phone to check through your notifications from the night.

"Lisa?" You frowned as your girlfriend took your phone out of your hands and sat down next to you.

"Come on, darling. I was serious. We should go out and enjoy the sunshine and the fresh air. It's going to be a lovely day! We should spend it riding bikes through the park or going to the beach!"

Your heart dropped at her last idea.

That is the very last thing you want to do right now.

"I don't know, Lili. I think we should stay inside and enjoy our day here in our house."

"But I want to go out." She pouted. "I thought you would too. It sounds fun, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, of course it does."

"Then why don't you want to go out and enjoy the warm day?" She asked as she took your hand into hers. "How about the beach? We could go in just a little while, spend a couple of hours there, and then go get some food and come back home for the remainder of the day."

"I'd rather not, Lisa." You said and she stared at you in worry, knowing that something was very wrong now.

"What's going on? Are you okay?"


"You're lying." She sighed. "I know you are. You're obviously not okay. You're not acting like yourself."

"I just don't feel like going to the beach."

"Why not?" She pressed and you sighed, tangling your fingers through your hair before shrugging.

She went quiet for a few seconds before she dropped her hand and placed it on your thigh, over your pajama bottoms.

"You're not feeling bad about yourself or anything, right? Because you have no reason to. I know a lot of people can be mean online and I know sometimes people get jealous and take it out on you. If you're feeling insecure, tell me so I can change that."

While her words were awfully sweet, you couldn't deny the fear you felt over confessing just how down on yourself you're feeling.

She slipped her hand beneath our pajama bottoms, brushing her fingers along your legs in a loving manner. Her touch was innocent. She only wanted to make you smile. She knows how much it comforts you when she caresses your skin like this.

But as she slipped her hand up to your kneecap, your heart started to pound against your chest.

She pushed your pajama bottoms up to your thighs and brushed her fingertips against them, frowning when she noticed how nervous you seemed to be as you stared down at her hand.

Her heart sank when she saw them. The cuts on your thighs. It broke her heart.

"That's why, Lisa." You spoke quietly. "I didn't want you to see them. I don't want anyone to."

She struggled to find the words to say, swallowing thickly as a lump appeared in her throat.

"Why'd you do this to yourself?"

You could barely look at her, which she wasn't okay with.

She put her hand under your chin and gently lifted it with her fingers, your eyes locking with her brown ones.

"I just don't feel good about myself." You confessed.

"Come here." She whispered and scooted closer to you, pulling you into her embrace. "It's okay. I know feeling insecure happens to all of us. I know it can be hard when people can be so cruel. But you're beautiful. I wish you could see that."

"Me too." You whispered as you pulled away. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't know how."

"Y/N," she whispered, dropping her forehead onto yours. "I need you to know that you can tell me anything at any time. Okay? I don't care what is going on at that moment that you need me. I don't care what time it is or what I'm doing. I don't care about anything but being here for you. If you have these thoughts, you tell me right away. No matter what."

Your lip trembled and she rubbed your back comfortingly.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She said. "I know you have to be hurting to do this to yourself. So I want you to know that I'm here to listen to each and every word you have to say. You can confide in me about it all; whatever you're feeling. I will not judge you. I will not leave you. I won't ever look at you or treat you differently, no matter what's on your mind."

You sniffled, her words making you feel so much better.

"I know you're scared but it's only me. So open up to me. It's what I'm here for."

"I feel a little ashamed."

"Don't." She whispered as she brushed her fingertips against your back. "You're the strongest girl that I know. You will be okay. I'm here by your side, every step of the way. We'll talk and get through this together." She said as she stared at you adoringly, despite the tears in her eyes.

"What would I ever do without you?" You cried as you buried your face in her neck, making her hold you tighter.

"You won't ever have to wonder, because I'm never leaving your side. I promise." She whispered, kissing your head. "Now, talk to me. I'll listen and I promise, I will love you just the same as I do now."

You sniffled and took a deep breath, ready to open up to her about everything you've been feeling. You know, if you can do that with anyone, it's Lisa. She's your safe place. She loves you just as you are. She's got you and she always will.

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