"you are in love" (requested)

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Lisa brushed her fingers along your knee as you sat across from Jessi.

Your smile was bright, basically unbreakable, and Lisa loved seeing it.

You're so excited to be here today. Of course, Lisa is as well. But you look up to Jessi quite a lot, loving and admiring all that she stands for.

So being here today was a huge deal to you and you're over the moon about it.

"You are such a cute couple. I see the way you're looking at her, Lisa." Jessi teased and you turned to look at your girlfriend who was blushing a little over being caught staring at you.

You kissed her cheek and she kissed yours back, causing the hearts of those around you that witnessed the moment to melt.

"So I have a few questions for you both. I would love to know what your favorite thing about each other is."

You looked away from Jessi and back at your beautiful girlfriend once more. You stared at her a moment, simply taking a minute to admire her and marvel at all that she is.

"This is probably going to sound cheesy but I love everything about Lisa." You smiled and watched her do the same.

It caused your heart to skip a beat.

"But I think my favorite is the mole next to her eye and on her neck and collarbone. They're so cute."

Lisa giggled before looking at Jessi.

"She kisses them all the time."

Jessi joined in on the giggles, finding it all absolutely adorable.

"Because they're so cute and kissable. How could you resist such a thing?"

"They are awfully cute."  Jessi grinned and it only grew wider when she watched you lean over to kiss Lisa's moles; brushing your lips from the one by her to her neck and then to her collarbone, taking your time and doing it more than once.

"Lisa, what is your favorite about y/n?"

Lisa looked at you before brushing her thumb along your lips.

"I can't choose. Probably her smile. It's so cute and always makes me so happy. But I also love her sweet lips and her eyes. I love the way her eyes always hold a look of love, little stars, but I love her lips because I love the way she kisses me. She's perfect."

You put your head on her shoulder, finding it heartwarming how she went on and on. It made you feel so good about yourself.

She always does that; boosts your self esteem and makes you feel so worthy and so beautiful.

Jessi almost squealed when she saw Lisa kiss your head.

There was still plenty of time left in this interview and right now, Jessi wasn't sure how she'd keep her composure when she's so in love with yours' and Lisa's love.

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