accidents (requested)

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The sound of Lisa's ringtone coming through your phone as you got into the car caught your attention.

You closed the door and turned your car engine on before you blasted the heat to try to shelter yourself from the freezing cold air.

There's an extreme snowstorm rolling in tonight, with heavy snow, gusty winds, and ice. There were already flurries falling onto your windshield but you hoped that you'd be able to make it home before it got too bad out.

You reached for your phone and answered it, just before it reached the last ring on your phone. Before you could say a word, she was rambling through the speaker of your phone and she didn't try to hide the worry in her voice.

"Y/n? Where are you? Are you okay? It's gonna storm and the roads are gonna get really bad! Are you almost home?"

"I'm sorry, Lisa. I got tied up and had to work a bit later than I thought. I'm gonna be heading home in just a minute, as soon as I get off the phone with you."

She sighed before saying, "Okay. Just stay safe. If things get too bad, pull over and call me and we'll try to figure something out. I love you. Be careful."

"I love you too, baby. I'll be home soon."

You ended the call before pulling out of your parking spot and heading home.

The storm started to hit hard on your drive home. It started to snow more and the roads were already beginning to ice, making it nearly impossible to drive. There weren't many people on the road, just people like you that had no choice but to drive home from their own rough workdays.

You drove with caution, taking your time driving through the storm, just to be safe. But the harder it all came down, the harder it was to drive. You drove at a snail's pace, but you weren't the only one. Everyone was doing the same because they knew it was far too risky to drive fast

Well... almost everyone.

One person was taking the risk, driving fast through the snow and ice thinking that nothing bad could ever happen.

The light changed from green to red and they planned to hit the brakes, only to continue to slide because of the ice on the road, and they drove into your car as you started to drive by with your light being green.

The force took you by surprise and you hit your hit on the dashboard. Things went black as you let out a panicked whimper and everyone around called for help.

The next thing you knew, you heard an unfamiliar voice and felt someone shaking you to try to get you to open your eyes. It was difficult to open them. They felt heavy and you felt so tired. But when you opened them, you noticed paramedics loading you into the back of an ambulance and caught a glimpse of people driving by slowly both to be safe and see what was wrong.

But still, there was only one thing on your mind.


The paramedics began asking you questions like what your name was, but you could only call out for Lisa.

"Lisa? I need Lisa," you mumbled and the paramedics met eyes and furrowed their brows. "My girlfriend. You..." you paused, eyes slipping shut. "You have to call her. I need her."

"Okay. We will. Just stay awake," they said and tapped your cheeks to try to get your eyes to open again, but you didn't wake up and they rushed you off to the hospital.

You awoke a while later. It felt like an eternity to Lisa, whose hand was tightly wrapped in yours like it's been for a while now. She's been by your side since she got the dreadful and scary call and when she watched your eyes slowly open, for the first time, she felt relieved.

"Lisa?' You mumbled weakly and blinked a few times as you stared up at the white tiles on the ceiling.

You heard the beep of the heart monitor you were hooked up to and for a second, it increased. It was hard to move your neck. It really hurt.

But the feeling of Lisa squeezing your hand and whispering your name calmed you down slightly.

"Y/n? I'm right here, baby. I'm here. It's okay."

You turned to look at her and right away, you noticed the tear stains on her cheeks. You reached out to brush them away, noticing the iv in your hand in the process.

"Are you okay? How do you feel?" She asked worriedly, her heart sinking in her chest when you wrinkled your nose from the pain you felt coursing through your body.

"Everything hurts."

"Yeah? Not surprising since you were in an accident." She chuckled sadly and reached out to caress your cheek. "I'm sorry you're hurting, baby. But thank gosh you're alive and you're gonna be okay. You scared me. That call from the hospital that I got..."

She exhaled shakily and bit her lip, trying to forget the memory that was practically permanently etched into her brain.

"I'm sorry, Lili. I was being careful, I swear!"

"I know. But you know just as well as I do that just because you're careful doesn't mean everyone else is. Unfortunately, that guy that crashed into your car caused you some whiplash, a break in your knee, your wrist is sprained, a couple of cuts that required some stitches."

"Could be worse." You mumbled to which Lisa chuckled tearfully and brought your palm to her lips to kiss across it. "I'll be okay, Lisa."

"I know." She said with a small smile on her lips. "You're a tough cookie. I know you can get through anything."

You nodded and pointed to your lips and she let out a cute giggle before leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too, y/n." She said before peppering kisses across your arms and collarbones. "I was so scared, so worried for you. I'm so happy you're okay."

"Me too." You mumbled as you intertwined your fingers with hers. "It's gonna be a long road to recovery, though."

"Maybe so. But don't worry your pretty little mind. We'll get through it like we always do... together."

Lisa Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now