Day 7

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When your FAITH is tested, TRY and TRY and NEVER GIVE UP.

"Try and try until you succeed" -- as what a famous quote says, but what really matters the most is not about having many achievements in life or having many awards, trophies, medals, honors and whatsoever. What matters most is that even when you loose, you didn't quit trying and having God in your life is the biggest achievement you ever made in your life. He send test's on us to be more mature and even if we are not successful in many way's, installing, having, accepting, repenting, receiving, believing without seeing God in our lives is a success to be proud of. Be blessed because we are redeemed. God comforted us with this words from James 1:3 (NIV) "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow."


Lord God, thank you for telling me to try even though I'm a failure. I am deeply in love with you, and having you in my life is an achievement, and no one can snatch me away from you. Amen.

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