Day 198

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There's a rainbow always after the rain.

Have you ever wondered why rainbow appears? In science, it is one of the most spectacular light show that you see in the sky, it is an optical and meteorological phenomenon with colored arcs known as the ROYGBIV, but do you know that the word "rainbow" appeared in the bible? but for what?

During the time of Noah, people do evil and violence was spread everywhere but Noah had no faults and was a good man, he lived in fellowship with God (Read Genesis 6: 9-12). God saw the world and he saw people, they live an evil lives so he got angry and decided to put end to all people (Read Genesis 6: 13). He called Noah to build a boat and this was known up until today as "Noahs Ark" which stoods 450 feet long, 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high, with a space of 18 inches between the roof and with 3 decks and doors on the side, big isn't it? (Read Genesis 6:15).

God told Noah that he will send flood on Earth to make everything die but he should make a covenant with God to go into the boat with his wife, his sons, their wives and a pair of animals, male and female of each kind for them to be alive.

Noah pay attention to God's commandment, and everything on earth that breathed died. Noah and those who are with him in the boat lived (Read Genesis 7,8). When the flood was ended, God made a covenant to Noah, but before that he offers a sacrifice to God and God said to himself : "Never again will I put the earth under a curse because of what people do." (Genesis 8:21). God blessed Noah so much, he promised that he will never ever destroy again living beings by flood, and as a sign of an everlasting covenant , God put his bow in the clouds , it is his covenant in the world and that is the "RAINBOW" which appears when the sky is covered with clouds.

Even if God was angry with us, he still gives us mercy. That's how Jesus loved us, whenever you see a rainbow up in the sky, it is a sign of God's promise to each one of us. Our life are like series of rainbow colors in the skies, it will be more colorful if you add Jesus in your life. Remember, in times of weakness, in times of sadness, in times of tiredness, in times of distress, in times of loneliness, despair, in times of disappointments, remember that colorful rainbow God made specially for you, for everybody . Again, our life is like a rainbow in the sky, it is more colorful if we let Jesus enter in our lives. In every adversity, there's a rainbow always after the rain. You are not alone in your journey. Thank God for that rainbow.


Father in Heaven, when I see rainbow in the sky I remember your everlasting covenant with us, that is the sign of promise you made to all human beings, thank you so much Lord! Amen.

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