Day 192

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Jesus will never let you down.

The love of God will never let us down. We sometimes blame everything to him and ask him why he can't be there in times of our needs, why he can't wipe away our tears, why there's so many adversities in this world, why so many cruel people hurt us, why do we need to experience pain, why so many people suffering in hunger, in poverty, why so many bombings and chaos, why? so much why's and so much questions in our head that is left unanswered. But, the good news is this: JESUS WILL NEVER EVER LET YOU DOWN. Jesus has something great in our future, he makes promises to us and that is unbreakable, unshakable. Don't ever say God is nowhere, GOD IS NOW HERE! he lives in me and in you. God will never lie to you, he will never give up on you. We have a mission in this world, and that is to love the Lord our God, to saturate ourselves heart-fully to his words, to follow him, to obey him . Without God we never know how to love and this love will bring us together into a close camaraderie.

If you feel like crying today, just feel free to cry, feel free to express your pain, feel free to sob to God, tell him how much pain it caused you, he surely listens. Just remember this things: GOD HELPS, PROTECTS, COMFORTS HIS PEOPLE: "For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." (Romans 10:11).You can count on Jesus, don't hide. Your life with GOD is never empty, you are never alone in this battle, you are made wonderfully, you are God's Prince and Princesses. God loves you so much. Don't give up in life, stand up for GOD, stand for Jesus. Yes, the world will let you down, the people in this world will let you down, your family and friends will sometimes let you down but Jesus will never ever let you down: "Though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand." (Psalm 37:24). In every trial let us call upon the Lord, and he will save us. He shall hear us, and not blame us for coming too often; the oftener the more welcome.


Lord Jesus, thank you for lifting me up when I am so down, thank you for being there when nobody is listening. When my world is shaking you catch me, you hold me in you hands,you wipe away the pain, you save me, you comfort and protect me. You're all that I need Lord, nothing less nothing more. Amen.

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