Day 189

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Human makes mistakes that's why we suffer.

During the Papal Visit in the Philippines, a girl named Glyzelle who is an abandoned child boldly asked the Pope: "Why is God allowing such things to happen, even if it is not the fault of the children?". Her question is an eye opener for all the people. It also caught media and worldwide attention. Why God allows suffering? We seldom ask questions to people and specially to God yet we receive no answers.

First of all, God suffered more than anyone else who ever lived. Some people blame GOD for everything, some may say "there is no God, he is not real", some may question him why he allows suffering? First of all, he doesn't allow suffering for no reason."Human makes mistakes that's why we suffer". Our decisions in life have consequences. It's Glyzelle's parents mistake and choice to leave her and she suffered the consequence of it.

Take a look at our ancestors mentioned in the Bible. Eve eaten the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, she and Adam are not exempted in God's wrath, it has a consequence but still God shows his mercy and love to all of us his descendants.

We suffer for God but we know that in the end it will come to pass because God promised "That there is coming a time when all sorrow, tears, pain and death will pass away. There's coming a wonderful day when God will wipe away all tears from the eyes of His children, and our sorrow will end forever." (Revelation 21:4)

Glyzelle is indeed a very brave girl for asking a question like that in front of 6 million people. Glyzelle's story will serve as a lesson for everybody , for all people around the world that we need each other to stand up , we need each others help. We all experience suffering , we all cry and weep and we need each other to rise up once again. Even if we differ from race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, let us all unite together , let us respect one another, for a better world, for a better place ,let us all function as one----ALL FOR LOVE.


Lord Jesus, it is our will to suffer, we made mistakes and we ask for your forgiveness everyday. To suffer with you is a blessing. We always know that someday you will wipe our tears away. Unite us in your love. Amen.

(Note, I posted this as a comment in a YouTube video which covers the news about What Pope Francis learned from a homeless girl)

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