Day 66

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Honor your Father and Mother.

"Honor your father and mother so you may prosper and be a long time on the earth." - Ephesians 6:2-3

We are born physically with human parents but we are spiritually born in the Holy Spirit.The verse simply tells us that we should respect our parents for they are treasures that are given by God. Sometimes, we don't value our parents because they are too strict, too over acting, too insipid but remember it is for our own good and no parent want's a child to be lost. Just as what Jesus did to us, the love our parents have for us is very sacrificial also. Jesus nurtures us to be the best that we can be and so as with our parents. They pay our debts in school, making us comfortable in daily living, make's us happy and makes us complete. But, sometimes we also forget to foresee that our parents are imperfect, they made mistakes too. No parent is perfect, sometimes they sinned against us, sometimes we sinned against them but what matters most is that even circumstances comes along the way, no matter how good or bad your mother and father is, honor them.

On the other hand,some people are being abused by their parents, some experienced a bad childhood, some are being left in foster homes by their parents but despite all of this, let us don't forget to forgive, there is no perfect Mom and Dad. It is painful indeed to see people with broken homes, Mom and Dad at wars, Children-Mom, Children-Dad issues arise but despite all of this we should never forget our Omnipotent creator, savior, redeemer God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit will be there for us, even if we say we arent happy about our parents because of circumstances sometimes, be thankful because you are here because of your Mom and Dad. Don't forget that God is your Mom and Dad too.You are loved, you are blessed, you are not alone.


Father in Heaven, thank you for giving me my Mom and Dad. They are blessings from you, and I honor them all my life. Amen.

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