Day 64

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Move closer to God. Move forward for God.

Sometimes in life we tend to go backward and not forward because we always think that we can't make it through, we are overcome with hopelessness not thinking that God is always there for us. Let us remind our selves that past is not past because without the past we have no map in going forward towards our future. Our God simply tells us that what happened in the past is a lesson for us to reflect and realize that our mistakes don't define us, instead it molds us to be a better individual. It doesn't mean that if you have a tragic or not so nice past means you cannot go on with your life anymore.

Let fully go of the past and be prepared and ready for the best things that the Lord has promised you. It may be painful, it may not be easy, but God loved us very much. Let us move closer to him, it is lovingly written in Isaiah 18-19 "Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.", move on and move closer with God.


Thank you Lord for letting me dwell in the present and not beholding anymore in the past. Amen.

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