Day 144

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Don't seek more for what we don't have and who we are.

The more we seek for what we don't have the more unhappy and desperate we are. God simply wanted us to be contented of little things that he gave us and that is his blessings. It doesn't matter what clothes you wear or what car you have, or how many achievements you have. If we are all contented for what we have than what we don't have, our father in heaven would be happy to see us in great joy because we value more having nothing rather than having many but leaves us empty.

Seeking who we are is okay and gives us maturity to realize things in life, but always remember that we should always say to ourselves when we are lost that God already found us, our worth is found in Christ --"We find ourselves in him and we are not anymore lost", so there's no need to seek for more or for what will you become in life or in the future because God has plans for us, it is greater more than we ever know. instead of seeking for what we don't have and seeking who we are, learn to seek first God so that all of this things shall be added unto you.

Always acknowledge God because God is so Good and "We are who our Heavenly Father says we are" , he hears our prayers. He knows our motives and he knows everything in us. We are servants of God, we are proclaimers of the Gospel, we are ambassadress and ambassadors of Christ Jesus. "But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light" (1 Peter 2:9 ESV).


Lord I will remember what you told me in this verses--"Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Amen.

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