Day 142

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The most important decision in our lives is receiving Jesus as our Personal Lord and savior.

Receiving Jesus as our personal Lord and savior is one of the most important thing in our life. It is more important than our job, more than our career, more than our goals and ambitions, it is more than our awards because JESUS IS EVERYTHING. Receiving God is for a lifetime. Our efforts are futile but God want's to have a relationship with you. We make minor and major decisions in this world. The most major one is to accept Jesus.

First, we must understand the word Jesus, who is Jesus for you? Jesus Christ is the son of God who died on the cross for our sins. "No man has seen God" (John 1:18). We can make an Idol out of him but Jesus is more than an Idol, we can make an image out of him but he is more than that of an image, he is more than that of statues, he is more than what the world thinks about him. He is very omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. He is the way to eternal life. He knew you before you were born.

Next, we must understand the word Savior, who is our savior? why do we need a savior? our savior is none other than Jesus Christ. We all fall short of God's glory, we deserve to be judged by him and punished by him. We need a savior for us to be saved, for us not to sin again and again, to learn a lesson from our sins and to learn how to repent to God and Jesus so that we could be forgiven.

Then here comes Personal Savior? who is our personal savior? Jesus is our personal savior. He alone not our boyfriend, girlfriends not our peers, not our jobs, not our family, not our friends but only Jesus. Accepting Jesus as personal savior means placing trust and faith in him and true Christianity doesn't mean going to church, committing sin, perform rituals. The only way for us to be saved is to accept Jesus as our Lord and our personal savior. JESUS promised to received us as long as we heartily accept him as our personal savior.

Make Jesus as your personal Lord and savior today. Even if we are separated from God by sin, we can make a way not to separate us from him anymore and that is to accept him as your personal Lord and savior. Jesus is Divine.


Lord Jesus, accept me and forgive my sins. Thank you for being my personal Lord and savior.I thank you for saving my soul and I ask you to help me from sinning in the future and to make You and only You the Lord of my life. Guide and help me be rooted in Your word and help me to pray each day. Amen.

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