Day 164

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God gave LIFE its greater meaning.

If we read the Book of Ecclesiastes, the Philosopher reflected a lot about Life. He even concluded that "life is useless". We cannot fully understand God's ways but we must enjoy God's gift as much as we could and work hard. Life has a purpose, me may say that God is only fooling us with his promises, but he is not. He is a God who never put us in harm even if we blame him for our suffering, for disasters, for cruelty of this world, the truth is we deserve to suffer because of our sins and he gives us punishment not for us to turn away our backs away from him but he wanted to discipline us, for us to learn about lessons in life. God gave us life with a greater meaning, make the most out of your life, never ever forget to glorify God in times of sadness and happiness. "Think about what God has done. How can anyone straighten out what God has made crooked? When things are going well for you, be glad and when trouble comes, just remember: God sends both happiness and trouble; you never know what is going to happen next." (Ecclesiastes 7:13-14 TEV). God gave life a greater meaning when he showered us with many blessings in life, may it be big or small.

Life is not useless, we are not a mistake. We are created out of God's love, our life is not perfect but God blessed us so much with little and great things we never realize. We always make ourselves busy but then find ourselves empty, we worked so hard but then we realize that nothing could make our life whole again the way God completed us. God is life, without him we are not living now, so enjoy every moment while we are still alive, we are not good but we can do good for God. Life is indeed short, "Here is what I found out: the best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for during the short life that God has given us; this is our fate." (Ecclesiastes 5:18 TEV).


Lord God, thank you for giving life a greater meaning. Without you we will never know what does it take to live, we live for your glory, our lives maybe short but we humbly offer our lives for you, for you are the number one reason we live. Amen.

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