Day 77

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Trust God, he's already got it all figured out.

How does God view us? Do you trust God?

Most of the Christians today have trust issues. TRUST is simply the act of putting faith on someone. God is reliable and honest. He sees us differently than how the world labelled us. Just because your prayer doesn't work means he is not trustworthy enough. God has the best plans for your future, more than you'll ever know. Some of the things that we think or we do is not actually God's will but we do it because of the power of the flesh, we think that we are better, our plans for our own is always greater. This is not the way God wanted us to believe, he simply reprimanded us to be contented in him, to trust him fully and to obey everything he say's. Sometimes, situations may change how we trust God, like 'How can we trust God if why women are being raped? why children and women are abused? why murder and crimes sprout here and there?", it is not God's will for those things to happen, it is man's will to rape somebody, to hurt somebody, to murder, to assault, to commit sin, it is the their choice wether to follow the instructions of God or not, because in the very first place it's not God whom to blame, not the sinner either, but despite of all these things, God accepted the true nature of men, he love's us--- the so called "SINNERS", and he hated the word "SIN". Trusting someone is really hard in this disloyal world, remember what is written in the scriptures " Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." (Proverbs 3:5-ESV).


Holy God,the more I trust in you, the more closer I become to you. Amen.

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