Day 29

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Be a witness to God growing through you.

Have you witness a man or a woman whose life was change because of God? Lets take a look closer to Pauls life (also known as Saul) (Acts 8:3; Acts 9:31). He tried to destroy and persecute the church of Jesus. He even manage to dragged out the believers, both women and men. He even send threats of murders against the followers of Christ. Then, the Lord is very sad about it, so what he does is to make Saul blind through a bright light and this also makes him weak (fish scales covered his eyes). He sent Ananias to place his hands on Saul to make him see again. Jesus filled Sauls life with the Holy Spirit and from then on Sauls life has changed.

Moreover, Pauls life is a reflection of what we are today.We ignore Jesus Christ day by day, not realizing how much he wanted us to have a relationship with him. Moreover, even if you are his worst persecutor, or you don't care about him at all,God can changed you for the better and be a witness to God just like Saul. Grow in his holy presence, "For you will be a witness for him to tell everyone what you have seen and heard." - Acts 22:15.


Lord Jesus, I am baptized and my sins are washed away because of your love. Let me grow in you and be a witness to you. I sometimes ignore the great things you have done for me, I'm sorry and thank you for accepting me again and again. Amen.

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