Day 113

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If ever you feel God is taking away something from your hand, don't get sad. He is only emptying it so you can get something better.

Everyone of us experience loss in life. Sometimes God is taking away something in our hands so that we value the essence of everything, we could value more people, we could value more the lessons we get from life, we could value how does it feel to feel broken, we value more how does it feel to be empty, we value more how does it feel to be alone, how does it feel when somebody, or anything, or everything is taken away from you. The truth is, everyone of us is like an empty vessel or jar. We filled this vessel with sand, stones and pebbles. The larger stones represents our greatest priorities in life. Stones may represent God, Family, Friends, Your Goals, Your Dreams and the sand and pebbles are the smaller things in life. Let us fill ourselves with greater things AND priorities, so that we never missed out life altogether. Identify the stones in your life, make God the number one on your list.

Remember that God is our rock, our refuge, without him we can't have family, we can't have health, we never knew the road to salvation, the road to eternal life. Sometimes, we choose to fill our jars with sand and pebbles (smaller things that matter) that's why we always end up being empty but God will fill our Jars with his love. Sometimes God wanted us to realize to learn to let go of the things we can't grasp. How are you feeling today? Is the relationship killing you? Is the job too stress for you? Is the situation real hard to escape for you? Brothers and Sisters, LET GO AND LET GOD. When things go wrong in your life, don't punish yourself by holding on too much for the things that hurt you and slowly kills you.

You had the sole right to enjoy the short and borrowed life given by God. You have to prepare your hands to receive something good from our lovely creator. We can get something better in life if we should always open ourselves with possibilities. Create happiness, don't regret the choices you have made. Counsel to God if you wanted to let go, if you wanted to cry. God has a reason for emptying you so that you will learn to be more mature and learn to be braver in life. God fills our empty vessels everyday, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19, "And the church is his body; it is made full and complete by Christ, who fills all things everywhere with himself." Ephesians 1:23 NLT


Heavenly Father, thank you for emptying my hand so that I maybe able to understand the essence of fullness with you. Amen.

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