Day 106

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Though our feelings come and go, God's love for us does not.

Our feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes, we don't even noticed it but we are ruled by emotions and feelings, it can destroy or build us. We should control our feelings and emotions so that we will not be hurt or will not hurt anybody. We must be slow in anger, and build oneself in love. Feelings is like a lighting, it doesn't or will strike the same place twice, it can attack anybody. We humans are sometimes controlled by our emotions, that's why we can't focus of what we really wanted , or what we need to do.

It's okay to feel that way, we are not robot anyway, we can feel pain but too much emotion could stress our nerves away, it has psychological effects and can affect ones health. It's okay to be emotional but in a good way not in a destructive way. "He who trusts in his own heart is a fool. Why? Because the urgings of the heart are unreliable and often lead to error! Poets may say to "follow your heart." Proverbs 28:26. It's okay to express oneself, cry and cry, shout if you want to shout, but remember to pray to God that your spirit will be filled with Him. Our feelings may change from time to time but God's feelings for us doesn't change, but if the time comes you will not acknowledge him as your personal Lord and savior then that will be the time that God will not acknowledged you as his own. But God is a God of second chances, even if our feelings change , he remains in love with us. "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail."(Lamentations 3:22 NIV)

God's feelings is more than that of what we feel from our family, from our boyfriend, girlfriend, from neighbors and relatives and acquaintances, He doesn't feel unsure about his feelings towards us, his love is for eternity, his love is as numerous as the stars in the sky, the sands in the beaches, as wide as the ocean, as wide as the sky, the universe, the galaxies. Don't worry if somebody don't love you the way you want to be loved by them, just focus on God's love. It is for everlasting, it can't be measured by any means, any emotions. It is for real, it is for eternity, forever and ever, and for always.

"Praise the Lord! He is good. God's love never fails. Praise the God of all gods.God's love never fails.Praise the Lord of lords. God's love never fails. Only God works great miracles. God's love never fails.With wisdom he made the sky. God's love never fails. The Lord stretched the earth over the ocean.God's love never fails.He made the bright lights in the sky. God's love never fails. He lets the sun rule each day. God's love never fails.He lets the moon and the stars rule each night.God's love never fails." (Psalm 136: 1-9 CEV).


Father in Heaven, you are right ,our feelings change but yours is not, your love will remain. Lord sorry for being too emotional sometimes, I forget to think about how much you love me. You are the love that never fails, the love that never vanish, the love that saved me, the one who consumed me from deep within. Lord thank you, your fellowship is free and draw me closer , draw me in to you, set my heart to you alone oh Lord! Amen.

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