Day 116

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Stop running from the calling of God.

If you have a calling, and that calling comes from God don't run from it, instead fully accept it heartily. Its not good to run away from God, remember it is God alone who made that special calling for you, don't be afraid of the obstacles if you want to follow God. Life is not created by God for you to just sit back and relax, each one of us has a mission in this world. Every calling is a test from God, if we truly obey in him, we would remain in him. Fear is just created by our own minds, its not true, don't let fear overrun you, fight your fears and face it. There's no easy way but the direction is worth it because of God. To be able to determine your calling, follow this steps: Saturate your mind with the word of God, and cling on to it. Don't let the negativities ruin your day, your bible will give you a lot of words of encouragements in life. Next is, you should know your gifts and talents and use it for the Glory of God. Using it for his glory is more blissful than using it for the sake of the world. Remember, we should not conform any longer to the patterns of this world. Inquire to your soul what is your burden, God seeks the burden in us. Then pray to God to throw you where you can be best used for his glory.

Patiently ask the Lord that he will use you for his Glory. Be passionate for God and listen also to spiritual people. Surrender everything you have for God. Let God be your captain and remember this verses "If anyone comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple. Therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple" (Luke 14:26-27, 33).

We should not be weary in responding to our respective callings in life. God is our strong tower, he will shield us against all our enemies who wanted to attack us along our pathway to our greatest mission in life. God gave us a voice to speak, hands to write, an ear to listen, a loving heart to understand, a feet to walk on, a body to function, use it for God's glory as we go through the callings he had for us. The only thing we could offer for God is the vacancy in our hearts, be willing to be God's servant, fill that vacancy with his words, with his love. It is the most fulfilling journey you could ever have, to follow God's calling even though you know it is hard. Stop running from God, trust him with all your heart.Grow in faith as you take step by step towards your calling.


Lord Jesus, thank you for making me brave even though I am not. Thank you for anointing me even if I have doubts. Sometimes, I fear but you tell me to face it, thank you Lord for being my greatest refuge. The calling you have for me is hard but I know that I am willing to go anywhere and do anything at any cost. Amen.

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