Day 190

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The Bible says heaven is for real.

Do you believe that Heaven exist? the word "Heaven" is said many times in the bible, The King James version of the Bible mentions the word "heaven" 327 times in the Old Testament and 255 times in the New Testament, 186 times in the New International Version's Old Testament and 236 times in its New Testament. In the New Revised Standard Version, "heaven" appears 246 times in the Old Testament and 248 times in the New Testament., it is real, some people even witnessed going to Heaven. A brief example for this is Colton Burpo's experience in Heaven in the movie "Heaven is for real", Baptist minister Don Piper's "90 minutes in Heaven" book, the near-death experience of Alex Malarkey in the book "The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven" , Eben Alexander III's book entitled "Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife". What is Heaven? What it is like? Everyone of us wanted to go to heaven, is there a passport in heaven? How can we go?

Those who have died in faith with Jesus will have a place in heaven. In the bible, there are 3 heavens described: The first heaven is the sky that covers the Earth, the clouds which you can barely see with your eyes. The second heaven is where the stars, moon and sun reside, the space beyond earth that envelopes the universe. The third heaven is the dwelling place of God, throne of God (Isaiah 66:1, Acts 7:48-49, Matthew 5:34-35) where angels surrounds him. Jesus Christ is our personal Lord and Savior but most of our question goes on like this: "How can I be sure that I will go to heaven when I die?", the answer: Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved (Acts 16:31). "To all who received Him, to those who believed in His Name, He gave the right to become children of God" (John 1:12).

You know now how to go to heaven but it is not enough that after you receive Jesus Christ, after you receive his salvation, you will do nothing here on earth. God knows our hearts and intentions, you are a child of God, we are not perfect so we commit mistakes in life but that doesn't mean that God will not give us a chance for us to be worthy to be called as his own. Repent always, you have a special place in heaven. Remember God doesn't called the qualified, he qualifies the called. While you're still alive, strive to live and share Christ to everyone. The other two heavens will pass away but our heaven (third heaven) with God and Christ is for eternal. Heaven is for real.


Father in Heaven, I have an assurance and faith in you, my desire is to be with you in heaven. Lord thank you for transforming my lowly body to be like your glorious body. Amen.

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