Day 186

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Imperfections must not be covered up, let your wounds be revealed to God.

Some of us hide our wounds underneath, there are wounds that are physical, there are wounds that are emotional and mental, there are wounds that take time to heal, there are wounds not totally healed at all. Don't ever hide, don't ever cover up yourself. God knows what you've been through, God knows how you battled life with faith. Nobody except God can heal you deep inside. No bandage and band-aids can replace God's healing for us. If only an eraser could take away our pain, if only saying sorry could wash away our tears, but it's not, cause we've been scarred from deep within, from the shallow and heavy wounds we encountered in living.

Yes we can't bandage the damage done by others and the damage we've done to others, but we are glad to know that God never leaves us instead he draw himself nearer to us as we draw nearer to him when we are so very broken. God knows the real you and he wants the best for you. Be honest to God about everything, show and tell your wounds to him. God is our band-aid, he heals us. Through prayer, be honest with yourself. What hurts you today? Yesterday? In the past? Tell everything to God. He hears you and he loves you. Let others know your pain so that you will be comforted, let others hear your cries so that others help you. You're just scared to show yourself to somebody and to tell God how ugly that experience happened. It just brings pain and embarrassment in your life. You are afraid to show to the world the real you, you let your imperfections be covered up and hide the pain until it heals in time. You are so brave but God knows your not invisible, he cares for you. "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed."(1 Peter 2:24 ESV)


Lord Jesus, I may hide the pain inside but I know you are my hope, here are my wounds, heal them in your loving power and make me strong again. Amen.

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