Day 209

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There's an opportunity in every obstacle.

What does the bible say about obstacle?Let us take a look at Joshua's life, he is mentioned in the book of Exodus. He is one the greatest military leaders as described in the bible. He became victorious against the Amalekites. He faced so many obstacles but as a faithful follower of Christ, he is a victor. Against all the odds, he prospered and showed a tremendous strength in every battle.

We too can be likened to Joshua, let's face each obstacle with confidence and we can get through it by the help of God. Each day, apply a rock-solid faith to Jesus. We had goals in life, we had dreams, we had aspirations, we want to do this and to do that, but every time we try there seems to be a hindrance and that is adversity. Just be patient and endure your sufferings. Before Joshua became a leader of Israel, he first taste the life of being a slave, although he suffered a lot, he endured all the way and obey God. Let us be like him, an obedient followers with faith.

There's an opportunity in every obstacle you overcome just like what Joshua had experienced. Sometimes we face hurdles along the way in a form of a person, an enemy and a situation. Our greatest accomplishment in life is that whenever these things blocks in our way, our faith and loyalty to God must be greater more than anything. Don't let any obstacle stop you from moving, there will be mockers and naysayers that tell you that you cannot do it, but with GOD you can! keep believing.

"Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun." (Psalm 37:5-6)


Lord Jesus, open my heart to see an opportunity in every obstacle. There is a great purpose in every adversity, thank you for helping me. Amen.

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