Day 207

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When the day comes that it no longer hurts, then that's the time you can "fully" forgive but God tells us to forgive every time.

Everybody of us experience being hurt by someone, no one is exempted to the pain. It's really hard to forget if someone mistreated you and wronged you. Its hard to move on from the heartaches but when it doesn't hurt anymore that's the time when you can finally forgive. You can tell everyone that you've forgiven them but time itself is not only the factor that helps you to move on, God will heal you along the way.

When you feel so broken, he is willing to comfort you because he doesn't want you to bear the pain alone, God is with you. If you feel pain, he is in pain too seeing his child in tears. No father wants to see his child hurt. That's how loving and understanding our Lord and Personal savior is. We can say that we already forgiven a person, but it's just words, in the inside you heart is still aching, your heart still bleeds but God has a remedy in it. It is indeed easy to forgive but not to forget but accept it and still go on.

"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you." (Matthew 6:14-15). Just witness how Jesus forgives his tormentors, he was nailed on the cross, the crowd is blaspheming him (Matthew 27:39). Sadducees and the Pharisees make everyone believed that Jesus is fake (Acts 3:17). Roman soldiers mocked him, beated him, spit on him, make fun of him, hurt him (John 19:23-24), the criminals on the cross reviled him (Matthew 27:44) and religious leaders mocked him (Matthew 27:41-43) but instead of cursing and revenging them ,JESUS ask forgiveness to the Father , he ask the Father to forgive them because they don't know what they are doing.

We too, we never know it but most of the time we tormented Jesus and because he loved us so much, he ask the Father to forgive us. We don't even realize that we are killing the son of God (1 Corinthians 2:8). If we humble ourselves and repent to God, he will forgive us. So if someone tormented you, just think of Jesus, he suffered more than you but still he has mercy and great love to us.


Lord Jesus, although it's hard to forget all the things that they had done to me, thank you for making me realize to forgive my tormentors. Nothing can be compared to the mercy you've showered upon us. Your love is the reason why I still go on with this mess, you turn me into something new and when I am broken you comfort me, you never let me down. Amen.

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