Day 87

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You are never too young or too old to do something great for God.

Do you think you are old enough or young enough to serve God? Let me tell you this, you are not. Age doesn't matter in serving our God. God doesn't look on peoples physical appearance but looking in our hearts and minds. You are never too young to serve him, so if you think that there's an age limit or time limit for serving our gracious God, there is none. You are never too old to serve God--- it means that even if you have millions of wrinkles, if you are called by God to serve him, then don't hesitate to answer that calling because again 'Our God doesn't look outwardly but inwardly". God is good in providing you things, making you feel so special, so in return, do your part as his follower. Proclaim his greatness, and save souls.

Share him and live him. God is our steward, do something great for him and thank him always for saving you and for loving the imperfections in you. Even if you think you're too young or old, do the commands God made you to do. "But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak." (Jeremiah 1:7 KJV).


Lord Jesus, I am not too young or too old to serve you, your commands in me I will obey and I will follow your instructions. I will do something great to uplift your name. Remain in me Lord, I am willing to die for my faith. Amen.

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