Day 94

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I prefer to be rejected by people than to be rejected by God.

Do you feel rejected today? It's very sad if someone rejected us,right? It feels like they don't want us, they don't want to hear us.It feels like we don't belong, we have no place in someones lives, we are too outcast and etc.

There are different kinds of rejections , its one way or another like rejected by a friend, rejected by a lover, rejected by the family, rejected in the work, rejected by many, rejected in a way that somebody insults us and a whole lot more. Some of us fear rejection, we fear to express ourselves, we don't want to show our talents and gifts because we can't ignore the fact that we are going to be rejected and judged by people. We are rejected when we evangelize, when we share the Gospel, when we share God. Most of us fear people, fear men and women because we are afraid of how they think about us, we are afraid because we don't want to show our weaknesses, we are being pulled down and hurt by others but remember that the most worst rejection is being done by US, why us? because we sometimes reject the one who loves us the most which is God.

Why do people reject God? First and foremost, we have two options in God's salvation, either we accept or reject him. People have reasons thats why they reject God, it's either they think that they don't need a savior, they don't need to be saved--- but remember that those who reject Jesus will not be apt to stand for God. Second, we reject God because we fear social rejection and fear that we will be rejected by our peers not following anymore Christ. Third, we are not able or willing to give up our earthly possessions, not contented of Gods love, WE DON'T WANT TO HAVE ETERNAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HIM, not abiding in his omnipotent ways. Fourth, we hold out against the Holy Spirit, we don't follow what the Holy Spirit wants us to do, instead we follow what the world says.

Brothers and Sisters, there are consequences if we reject God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit , In Matthew 25:30 (NIV) , God said "And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."

It's okay to be rejected by people as long as whatever you do is pleasing to the Lord, whatever you do or say is for God, there is nothing wrong with being rejected, express your feelings now, don't be afraid, show your gifts and talents, share the Gospel even if nobody will listen even if nobody cares and don't mind what other people say. Atleast, for once in your life you are not bothered instead your heart is filled with gladness and joy, because you prefer to have relationship with God who loves you even if there's so many times you reject him, don't worry he will aceept you if you accept, receive him in your life. Have a relationship with him, don't reject him.


Lord Jesus, sorry if sometimes I neglect your presence, I rejected you a million times but you are always there to pull me up when I am down. Sorry for all Lord, I know now how much you love me, you never dared to put your back on me when I repent all my sins over and over again. You never reject me but still accept a filthy rag like me and for that I am thankful for every second and minute, every hour ,you are always there to catch me, you are always there willing to listen to my excuses. I willingly surrendered my life to you, willingly accept you again and again. Lord, thank you very much! Amen.

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