Day 82

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Glorify God and enjoy him forever.

Following the footsteps of God is not easy, we will experience highs and lows but it's all worth it. Sometimes God will send us storms of trials for us to persevere, and everyday let us proclaim the greatness of the Lord, let's glorify him for everything that he has done to us. You may blame him for not having a job, for every bullshit in your life, for every downfall but always remember that the pain we have right now is not permanent. Savor the pain while you can, it is not forever. In God, there is no easy way. In the new testament "Glory" means "to praise and worship, honor, dignity". We must acknowledge God's greatness everyday, because he alone has all the glory.

"Sing to the Lord, all the earth; Proclaim the good news of His salvation from day to day.Declare His glory among the nations, His wonders among all peoples.For the Lord is great and greatly to be praised; He is also to be feared above all gods.For all the gods of the peoples are idols, But the Lord made the heavens.Honor and majesty are before Him; Strength and gladness are in His place. Give to the Lord, O families of the peoples, Give to the Lord glory and strength.Give to the Lord the glory due His name; Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness!" (1 Chronicles 16:23-29 NKJV).


Lord Jesus, everything you say-- I obey, I extol your omniscience, thank you for fighting for me, I will glorify you forever and forever. Amen.

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