Day 126

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Even if you see yourself as a biggest failure, GOD will always look at you as a precious treasure.

You are not nothing, you are not worthless, you are a precious treasure of God. Even if you see yourself as a failure, God will not look at you like that, always remember that God spent a long time crafting you and God doesn't make worthless things. Even if you say nothing in your life is going to work out, that you are a failure, you can't do anything, and you always put yourself down, God can turn our mistakes into miracles. Don't let any obstacle stop you from moving.

The enemy loves to distract you and let you worry, let you make feel bad about yourself but with God there is no condemnation as long as you repent to him and ask humbly of his forgiveness. You are not too broken for God to fix, you are God's beloved, you are not alone. Always remember that he reached down from heaven to rescue you and he loves you very much. Put your faith in God.

You may see failure as an ugly reality in life but don't be, treat is as a tool for you to realize things, it is a blessing in disguise. Our health may fail, our spirit may grow tired and weak but God is the strength of our life. God is the ultimate foundation of our life. (Read Psalm 73:26)


Father God, thank you for seeing me not a failure but a precious treasure of you. I may not see the beauty of life, but you made me realize that even if I look at myself as a biggest failure in life, you make me smile by saying that I am loved by you and theres nothing to worry about, you look at the heart and not in my achievements in life, you look at my scars and you healed them. Thank you my life saver. Amen.

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