Day 125

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Long life is the reward of the righteous; gray hair is a glorious crown.

Life is very complex yet it is beautiful. Everyone desires a long life. Everyone wishes to be an immortal that never grow old but God said that for us to have a long life, we must accept Jesus as our personal Lord and savior, we must also fear the Lord- " The fear of the Lord prolongeth days; but the years of the wicked shall be shortened." (Proverbs 10:27). God desires us to have a good and a longer life but because of sin he punishes us, we are not perfect individuals but we can repent our sins to the Lord. We are imperfect but there is a God who always loves us for our imperfections. There is no guarantee that we live in fullness in  earth. Our fullness can be found in God alone.

We should fulfill our life each day, we should take our time doing sensical things rather than hating one another and judging one another. We can extend our lifespan if we follow heartily God's commandment in us. We cannot die before our time. Not everything that is happening in the world is not God's will but mostly are Peoples will. We should turn to God and repent for all our wickedness. Fear God and walk in his path. Don't neglect his words upon you. Keep it sacred and holy, tattoo it in your heart. Take care of your body. "What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days,that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil,and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil,and do good; seek peace and pursue it." Psalms 34: 12-14. Long life is the reward of the righteous.


Lord Jesus, I will walk in your path and I heartily and fervently follow your commands. Lord, thank you for teaching me to have a long life. You are the missing piece in our life, the one who is the only way to eternal, long and lasting life. Amen.

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