Day 155

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When we have nothing left but GOD, we realize that God is enough.

We all have disappointments in life. One of the most worst thing that could happen to us is having nothing left. We feel so very empty, we feel so very worry. Sometimes the pain is very inevitable and we need to get out of the maze but we don't know how. We always feel so unsure, we doubt ourselves, we blame ourselves for everything but one thing is for sure, God wanted us to realize that he is enough.

We are all loved by God. We have different issues in life, we encounter difficulties and hindrances. Let us give our hearts a break and shake off our fears. We all have the power to survive with the help of GOD'S guidance. When we feel like there's nothing left in us, like family, friends, job, our reputation,our dignity let us thank God for letting our hands be emptied so that we realize that having everything is not enough without him. Let us desire more and more to be with Jesus. When we feel like unmotivated, think about GOD so you can be filled with him.

It's normal to feel nothing, it is normal to feel emptiness. We are like cups that is filled up with water, the water represents the Holy Spirit, we are the cup so ask God to fill you with him. Just remember that God's love is enough for you. "More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ." (Philippians 3:8)


Lord Jesus, thank you for filling me in. You are enough for me even if I can't have all the things in this world. Nothing can be compared to you. In you I have gained even I suffered. You fill my empty cup oh Lord an by that I am greatly honored to be called as your faithful servant. Amen.

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