Day 47

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Many books can inform you but the BIBLE will transform YOU.

Do you have time to read the Bible? (the Bi in the bible means two because the Bible contains two testaments the New and the Old) Do you find it enjoyable to read or for you it's just a waste of time? Brothers and Sisters in Christ, yes---- a lot of books are arising here and there, some of it are bestselling, some were controversial, some to inspire people and some to be an eye opener.

They say that the reward for reading a book is not what you get from it but how you become by reading it. But, can I ask you something? Is Bible included in your reading list everyday? or you just let the cockroaches and lizards read it?

Moreover, you are very blessed to have a Bible in your Life. Literally speaking, the Bible itself doesn't transform you but what's inside it changes you, God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit transforms you. It contains his words, and everything that you need to know about the truth and him is written in it.

For over a million years and throughout the ages, the Bible is the only book that is still surviving and widely read today. God is widely known throughout the world. It's history is indeed crucial but in the end the Bible still prevails. God, Jesus and the Holy Spirits prophets wrote it and it is very interesting to know that the stories written in the Bible can be reflected a lot.

"Keep this book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful" Joshua 1:8. That's a faithful reminder of God for all the people, the world may fade but the WORD of our Lord stands forever.


Lord Jesus, thank you for your word, it brings joy in my heart and it opened my heart and my mind to the truth. Amen.

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